The race to 100etn payout challenge

As far as I know south africa is a country. Your geographic location doesn’t dictate your salary.

South Africa, the average household net-adjusted disposable income per capita is USD 10 872 a year, lower than the OECD average of USD 30 563 a year.


No worries man we all suffering a bit of miscommunication around here lately. lol I think I heard someone say that mercury is in retrograde again. Causing this problem, so we are not to blame, (if you believe that mumbo jumbo) :slight_smile: :slight_smile:. No loves lost.


Burn rate will need to evolve continually. How many coins do you see being airdropped when we have 100M users mobile mining? It will be interesting to see how the team manages user growth in relation to airdrops affecting price. Almost an impossible challenge. Only mass use can support a mass of airdrops needed to attain mass adoption.

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For sure. I would just like whoever benefits most from $3 to get it. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I could not agree more.

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I see 130,592 active cloud miners!!!

I think that a lot of people are leaving because the miner is no where near 3 dollars a month, but even with 1.5 cents a day the extend button is worth it to me.

This isn’t really just a currency, it’s also a stock. You could say a stock is worth less than a currency, but it’s worth more if you understand that there’s potential here that your government’s legal tender does not have.

There’s pottential for BTC, ETH, ETN, and so many other Cryptos to be the real sources of value.

Just think about the US Dollar- it’s not using a gold standard and it’s government has a national debt that is in the trillions…

Edit: I rewrote this and posted it in it’s own thread.


I bet you’ll wish your etn was still pending.
My hodl ways will reward me most! This is when 110% isn’t enough!


Had my payout instantly! Didn’t even know I’d reached 100 :slight_smile: Opened the app and saw a pending balance of 0 and shiny new 100 added to my account total. Flawless


You had me for a second then. :slight_smile:
Thought you were a real professor.

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did you ever get payout? I am still over 111 etn now and still pending?

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Ricks latest mining update video - week 4:

130,854 miners


İt’s started to mad people and me a bit I guess and that right yeah in the past there is instant miner payment nowadays a bunch of people didn’t received what they accumulated over one month
and that tradjidy in my opinion cuz you promise and spread that 100 ETN will transfer instantly after completing yeah at the end it’s free thing I could understand but this conversation done with our friends and they pass of stoping the miner .hope to solve that miner problem soonly .


Hello ! I have a question. I received a payment in my etn adress. In the notifications section I can see that the payment is received succesfully. But in my wallet, the etn balance appears to be 0. I have been waiting about 2 hours for it to change but still nothing. (The payment is from another account, not by mining in the app)
Should I just wait longer or is it an issue ?
Thanks !


Hi. Did you try refreshing at the wallet screen? Thanks.


Click refresh or relogin.

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Wallet and miner are different things, make sure your looking at the wallet tab. Sounds obvious I know.

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I checked online on my.electroneum site. 0 wallet balance. But still i got the notification that the transaction is succesfull !
I tried to download the app again. No results…

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I know that the available ballance vs total balance needs some work, I hope once it’s available it’ll show up.

Give to us a screen of notification

I have reached now 100+ ETN