The ETN Fomosapien Rocket To Mars’ Moons Club. Vol2; It’s all about the Gig

New tweet :nerd_face:


has anybody any info about the code changes today?


Hi everyone. I do not write much recently but still read every day. I am in Buenos Aires on holiday now.
I have a question… my girlfriend is Venezolana but live in BA (Argentina). She dont have any bills or bank statement… how can she past second and third step of KYC? She had open MM but is stop becouse of level 2… I don’t know… for us is easy but for people from poor countries and people who don’t have job right now… how they can past that KYC… please anyone could explain that to me? I am still 5 days with her and would like to sort that for her but I not idea how. Becouse of that she loosing interest of ETN :(… HEEELP! :slight_smile: Thank you and sorry for use this topic but here is everyone :wink:

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have you read the faq?

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Good morning electro-knights electroneans good people of the community…
Today is Thursday 12th December 2019… crunch time in the u.k … who are the winners and loosers… meh… its cold and frosty and its not going to snow on Christmas day… :pensive:

Here are today’s statistics


Whatever you do
Wherever you go
Stay safe and above all if you buy a real xmas tree buy a potted on and after Christmas replant and help the planet… :evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::peace_symbol::heart::grin:



That makes a heck of a lot of room for ETN “The Instant Mobile Payment System”

SkrAtch ™


This feels like one of those long stretches of faith in the team. Very few real announcements. Or maybe just depressed because crypto is flat. Or all the above.
Nothing moving the needle for crypto adoption.

I guess it takes time to build something worth building.
Looking forward to good years ahead.

I do see some great interviews getting repeated exposure. The Electroneum story is growing as the roots grow into more countries.

Is this marketing phase 1? Or is this organic growth.
Mobile miner seems stalled in growth.


Good morning electro-knights
It is FRIDAY the 13th of december …

normally an unlucky day but I’ve always had something good happen. So here’s hoping that trend continues :rofl:


Yeah… its friday … just enjoy that coffee this morning that little bit more , enjoy that toast that biscuit …fridays just make things taste and feel better …

Here are today’s statistics


Whatever you do
Wherever you go
Stay safe and above all take a deep breath and remember its friday it will all be over soon…

Have a good one



I was chatting on FaucetCrypto and I met this guy who mines ETN.
Glad to meet people outside the forum.

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When there is no news just post an atricle of 1 month ago! :stuck_out_tongue:


3 weeks but close… :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

The team are extremely busy so no news is good news .

SmartSelect_20191213-133718_Telegram X


This is what all companies should do…

Those up top should recognize what those below do for their bank balances. What a lovely story…


My reply…

The tweets for the team but the pics for all of you here aswell .

Just incase i forget

I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and new year . I will be here everyday but liquids will be drank and posts maybe strange starting next friday so posting early …

Have a good one…



Thanks for putting this up @s7ryker, I had ETN on the exchange (thankfully moved a majority of it to my Etn wallet a few days before the hack happened.) I am following closely what the progress is and it was nice to see it posted here. Cheers!


Anyone got any ideas where we are dumping so hard right now?


I don’t know if that is a bit of reason… I watch both coins for long time and some how they go up and go down (similar) together… not sure maybe that only coincidence… but


Buy the dips if you believe in Electroneum.
I have more Bitcoin available…but can’t seem to find any other coin better than Long term Electroneum. And everything is long-term right now cuz the crypto Market is garbage. Bitcoin is trading sideways. At some point it’s got to make a decision to go up or down and then we’ll see a whole bunch of interesting stuff happen all at once.

I saw considerable activity for electroneum on trade ogre during Thanksgiving vacation. So I’m thinking we probably will see some action for electroneum on Christmas vacation and perhaps some of the rest of the markets as well has people have more free time for trading for a few days.

Stay alert. Trade all others. HODL Electroneum and Bitcoin.

I am about to hit my long term hodl goal of two years. But what else to buy? ETN is my true favorite because the team is real and working hard to deliver real results.

Merry Christmas. As you feverishly build out the infrastructure for expansion.