The ETN Fomosapien Rocket To Mars’ Moons Club. Vol2; It’s all about the Gig

The full report in pictures

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That looks really exciting. That must be why I am buying more lol.

I am loading up before GIGFAIR is live. Just in case I need to buy some gigs.


It keeps getting better!!!


Amazing that some people still don’t grasp the concept of the mobile miner even now, makes you wonder why they got involved in the first place with a project that includes a mobile miner, I guess they want to deliberately invest in something that “gives away value”.

Nobody is that thick, so they must just be trouble making.


That report is outstanding @B.F.A! :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:
Thank you for posting. Those numbers are incredible. Brilliant, just brilliant. It’s a pretty clear indication of where ETN is headed. Top 5 here we come! :tada::tada::tada:


Very long way to the top

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It is only me who dont have a clue what is that report about? :hushed:… anyone could a bit explain that numbers? Thx :beer:


I’m glad someone else asked…I didn’t want to feel stupid…


It’s all different metrics for tracking users to specific websites, in this case ETN and other big name crypto projects. Google search tracking.

For example the first shot shows that is ranked higher in the US for web traffic May-June than the other projects respective sites. Multiple reasons for this.

Next is engagement. Think about it like YouTube. It’s not enough to get a view or a visit, but how long are they staying. In this case, people spend an average of almost 6 minutes on the ETN site and much less for the other referenced projects.

All good signs, within the parameters of the report.

@B.F.A is more of the expert on this subject than I am.


Those numbers are web traffic on those specific pages

What we can find is statistics number and i used it for compare us to the top coins on coin market cap. this statistics can be used to analyse type of activity in a setting


I think this info is ok for us that are interested in and follows ETN more than average Joe


Absolutely, it’s nice to see a quantitative measure of what is happening with the project. Some of the results of the team’s hard work.

I can almost guarantee that Electroneum Ltd as a company is looking at these same metrics. All the major corporations of the world with consumer products track the same metrics and more. It’s necessary to be a big player in the market in today’s world.


BTC is pulling us up ETN $ 0.00384958 +2.73 % just for a moment :slightly_smiling_face:
Did I say green is my favorite color :joy:


If nothing else, when you’re a company paying for advertising, you want to see if that money is paying off.

How many click throughs are you getting to your website?

What percentage of people who view the ads move on to the website or app store?

If these #s are too low on a certain ad platform, time to direct funds to a new one.

Companies want to maximize exposure to attract new people while lowering their customer acquisition cost for each one. Ad metrics help a company do that.


And fore the last 30 days we can mix in this too search words from google trend and see if we find some similarities

and the price


So it begins


I find it quite Mindblowing that “people” STILL choose to focus on the “Price” narrative as to how they see the Project…!!

Just a reminder …Value versus Price…(I’ve said this before but I feel the need to repeat it…!)

I can buy a bottle of water in the supermarket for $0.50. That’s the price…

Given that there is stock and people are not screaming at the door for water indicates that the value of the bottle of water is less for most people than $0.50. It’s only when the perceived value of the bottle comes close to $0.50 that people will buy it…

How different are things in the desert? You might be willing to pay far more than $0.50 depending on conditions…

Value is the subjective willingness to obtain or sell an item.

This translates in a value proposition (often monetary, but it could be something else as well): a bid when you want to obtain, an ask when you want to sell. When there is an agreement there is trade…

This explains why there is stock of bottles of water in the supermarket, there is the willingness to sell an item, but no willingness to buy (at this point) at that specific price. When you own rare car things could be the other way around, plenty of people willing to buy, but you are not willing to sell at the specific price…

This is how value and prices are related in economic theories…

Value is subjective while the price is objective. But value does affect what price is. For example, I might not really value some kinds of fashion or art highly while others would. This interplay of different people attaching different levels of value (price) helps in prices being formed through bidding…

The value represents the amount of money that you are willing to pay for anything. Price is the amount of money that you are asked to pay for it…!!!

Read the above line again. Wait, let it sink in - then proceed…:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:


All the Blackhats out there demanding ransom in BTC are actually helping to drive BTC price up.
If hackers prefer crypto over fiat , why shouldn’t others?

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anyone seen this? :slight_smile:


Is this a site where u can open all of the exchange charts in the same page? Or did you create a software for it personally?
Thank you my good Norwegian neighbour.

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