Latest NagaBeau ETN price prediction!

In my humble oppinion, they have grown in the past year like others in 10 years. And it is only the beginning.
Cheer up mate!


Good read.


I love NagaBeau. He is very entertaining.

Its a good article @eFiJy i do think that a lot of people will turn to crypto if an economic crash is coming because for most people they will see crypto as a more safer place to keep their funds then in their bank at that moment :thinking:

Heā€™s entertainly and I quite enjoy his videosā€¦support his enthusiasm :smile:

With that said Inflation could happen (Venezuela), Electroneum supply less than bitcoin, future is unknown

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Well it makes for something funny to watch at least. :slight_smile: lol

  1. Is not CNN, is CCN.
  2. Why is fake news?
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Just buy the S**T out of this coin. And in 5-10 years when the supply per block goes to 150 coins, or something like that, then you will see ā€¦

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I agree @PetMM now is the time to buy as many as you want and can afford :blush:

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haha I love the guy makes me laugh every timeā€¦but in the back of my mind im hoping he is right ā€¦hehe go naga bo and ETN


His best video is when hes dangling the skull about!! So so funny, keep them coming.

I am down for the party man

The naga party :sunglasses:

But if it hits 10 dollar or more? Where we Gona party then? :yum:

Every cent itā€™s going up you Gona open one? :yum:

I agree at current price Iā€™m happy with any gain :yum:

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Is just me or buy orders for ETN start increasing, They were 6 BTC yesterday and now its 12 BTC on Cryptopia?

Yes, because you have like millions I suppose.
I want at least $1. :smiley:

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bitcoin has been saved again @M-Kid :cowboy_hat_face:

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Yeah thank goodness.