Electroneum Smart Chain Migration FAQ

Hi, sorry, how do I use the local host private node? I start etn-sc ok, then metamask but at the time of the rpc url putting localhost which would be IP address of my machine right??? It tells me that chain ID is not correct. Surely I made a mistake in filling it out!! Can you give me directions?? Thank you

Check the vid a few posts up, shows the process in full.

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When we setup the Custom Network in Metamask for etn-sc, should I point to the local node http://localhost:8545 OR remote https://rpc.electroneum.com ? Which one is better? One disadvantage I found with local node was I have to run that in terminal (etn-sc --http) before opening the metamask. What would you suggest? Thanks.

Local nodes offer quite a few advantages, but very few of them are applicable to the average user.

  • More privacy as you transmit transactions direct to the network rather than through a public node.
  • More reliability as you are not relying on the teams infrastructure, they are at a much higher risk of being targets of denial of service attacks for example.
  • You can customize your local node how you want it, use other connection types that perhaps are not available remotely (like WebSocket’s/IPC if applicable).
  • The opportunity to be more secure… your wallet tools only need to interface with etn-sc, not the internet direct like with remote node. So you can use general purpose network security to help lock things down.
  • You can choose to run different versions of software if you have a need.
  • Learn!

Most of those are aimed more at people with large amounts or businesses using ETN, but all things we should take seriously and think about when interacting with crypto.

Using a remote node is the easiest and most simple option. If users can add in a hardware wallet for private key management (the most important thing!), then that is more than safe enough for 99% of use cases.

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I’m using Ledger as my signer for MetaMask. Works great. Note, this is MetaMask desktop in a browser, not mobile. I haven’t used that.

:bangbang:Make sure Ledger Software and Firmware is up-to-date and your seed is safe.

  1. Create new Ethereum Account in Ledger live, give it a name so you know its the ETN wallet as it wont have a balance showing in Ledger. Note down its public address so you can recognise it in a bit.
  2. Go to MetaMask and Setup new network pointing to Electroneum Smart Chain (if you haven’t already)… Text guide for connecting Smart Chain here…also shown in video here.
  3. Add Account.
  4. Choose “Add Hardware Wallet”. (make sure ledger live is closed).
  5. Connect to Ledger on Ethereum App.
  6. Select the Wallet you created in step 1 from the list, using the public address you noted down.

Done… you now have an account in MetaMask which is using a wallet in Ledger. No Private Key is stored in MetaMask, its stored in the Ethereum App on Ledger.

You may need to enable “blind signing” in order to send ETN using ledger… but try without first.

When you send coins in MetaMask…it makes a request to Ledger to sign the transaction rather than doing it in MetaMask. Sooooo much safer.

Obviously your ETN balance doesn’t show in Ledger, as that is looking at the Ethereum network for that wallet…not the Electroneum Network… but shows fine in MetaMask as that is pointing to the Smart Chain.

Just remember to keep your Ledger Seed super safe (that was what generated and controls the Wallet you are using in Ledger).

Be nice to have dedicated Electroneum App in ledger rather than using Ethereum app, hopefully one day. More hardware wallet options would be nice as well.

Like anything of this nature, test it out first to get comfortable with it BEFORE sending any large amount of ETN…or wait for dedicated integration down the line.


Brilliant BegaMutex!! Thanks so much. You’re a wealth of information. I’ll jump on it and follow those steps. Exciting stuff :zap::star_struck::zap:


Done. These instructions were super easy to follow. Thanks again for taking the time to share this. Really appreciate it :+1::+1:


Actually I did encounter an issue but it wasn’t related to your instructions. Spent ages trying to connect the Ledger to Metamask wallet mobile app. It just wasn’t connecting. After a little reading, I think it only connects with Ledger X and I have S Plus :frowning_face:

I actually sent a small amount of ETN to my Ledger but of course, now I can’t send it back. Never mind. It’ll show up once Ledger integrates the ETN SC. I’m sure it won’t be long.

**edit, Fair enough…only tested with MetaMask desktop…not mobile, thanks for letting us know. You could use via desktop computer to move those ETN Cosmic :+1:

Here are few more general purpose things to try if anyone on desktop has issue with connecting:

  1. Make sure the Ledger apps & firmware are up-to-date!
  2. Make sure your browser is up-to-date. I use Chrome. I don’t think all browsers work so check MetaMask website (Firefox i think for example).
  3. I had an issue where an external USB device stopping my ledger connecting, removed and it worked.
  4. Make sure Ledger live is closed when you try and connect to MetaMask.
  5. Make sure your Ledger is running and connected to Ethereum app when you try and connect MetaMask…not on lock screen etc.
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Thanks Bega. I might try no.4 but pretty sure it’s my ledger that doesn’t support Metamask on mobile. Still worth another try though.

I tried on the desktop but it was a mess and I couldn’t find the “customise network” In “networks” (of which I had no issues on mobile. I followed your steps and set it up without issue). Thought I was logged in but turns out I wasn’t etc etc apparently Metamask is having major ongoing issues with Firefox extension right now.

Just happy to have a little ETN on Metamask. I’ll try to work it out on Crome tomorrow. It’s enough for today, I’m exhausted haha

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That video i linked above shows the network setup section. :+1: It’s for importing private key in from paper wallet rather than using ledger as your key store, but the network setup section is the same. Super easy.


Is it possible to list which wallets support ETN?
ect ect ect

So far send and recieve

Coinbase wallet

Rabbi - confirmed by reddit user vman.
Trust wallet can receive but not send, waiting on support response


Rainbow wallet is up and running, I just tested receive and send works ace.

This also connected perfectly via Chainlist.wtf :ok_hand:(desktop)


On desktop I think.
I can’t get it to work on mobile.
Probably not supported.


What’s the Rainbow wallet :smiley:

A means of storage for tokens etc. And etn…

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:+1: Thanks mate

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https://www.reddit.com/r/Electroneum/s/zzkZ6GDwp0 a guide created on the Reddit community

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Just tested blocwallet.io I can confirm you can send and receive.

I used https://chainlist.org/ to connect.

Only one problem it wouldn’t send the workaround is you have to set set the fee to high it will go through…

The fee was 0.000021 etn…

Be careful using 3rd party wallets make sure you do tests and DYOR