Electroneum Smart Chain Migration FAQ

Yes i do know the name of the wallet and password. How do you update your cli when you go to a new version? Just seeing if im doing it the easiest way possible lol. Im not in front of my computer right now so dont know the exact name of the files, but i download the new version, and take the wallet files from the old version and just put them in the new version by replacing them.
Is that what you guys do?

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Download the migration binaries for your system (use
Copy across your wallet file and keys to where you unpack the compressed file to. On my system, it looks like MyETNWallet and MyETNWallet.keys.

Then carry on as normal (start up ./electroneumd and make sure it does a complete catchup of blocks) and then start up your wallet (./electroneum-cli-wallet) and enter your wallet name EXACTLY and your password.

On this private key thing - I don’t know why Electroneum guys didn’t explain this a bit clearer, but when you issue the spendkey command in the wallet, you will be presented with three keys: secret, smartchain address, public (well at least it did on mine, running The private key is the SECRET key. I successfully migrated my ETN from the old to new chain, and balance is there. Do NOT do viewkey as one poster suggested, as that produces it’s own secret key that I did not test, but is different from above…

I am using Ubuntu and started to write out a complete guide but it’s on two pages and will need to condense, but does work! :slight_smile:


Thankyou everyone. I think I will just stick with cli and not mess with the meta mask. I think i will feel like i have a little more control.
So once the team makes public nodes available will cli users still be able to use remote node method?


By “CLI”, I assume you mean etn-sc as a client (attach)?

CLI is the Electroneum-wallet-cli, the wallet tool for the legacy blockchain. That doesn’t work on the smart chain.

Assuming you do mean etn-sc in attach mode as a client, yes you can connect to the remote node with that.

The team have a great resource which describes the eco-system. Well worth to look through to get a feel for how it all works.


Here is how I fixed this for anybody who faces this challenge down the line…

  1. I disabled all firewalls (boot on my Mac, router and third party firewall) - no success. :exclamation:
  2. Disabled all packet filtering like little snitch that I use on my Mac - no success :exclamation:
  3. From the internet (canyouseeme.org) I used an online port checking tool to see if I could reach port 30303 from my public IP. - not reachable :bulb:
    3a. I added a port forwarding for 30303 TCP/UDP on my router and tested reachability from internet with the etn-sc node running - Success! :ballot_box_with_check:
  4. etn-sc was still not able to connect to peers or sync, even after several restarts of the router, laptop and the node.
  5. On Mac OS (at least for me,) the database was being saved to database=/Users/<my_user>/Library/Electroneum-sc/etn-sc/chaindata/ancient so I decided to start from scratch. Deleted the entire etn-sc folder and its content at /Users/<my_user>/Library/Electroneum-sc/etn-sc.
  6. Relaunch etn-sc (./etn-sc console) and Viola! It was finally synching. Waited for it to fully synch and imported my key ./etn-sc account import ./private-key.txt :white_check_mark:

Now Getting balances with eth.getBalance(eth.accounts[0]) works as expected.


Perfect, thanks for the detailed update Popo, that’s great. Glad you got it sorted. :+1:

If anyone else has issues connecting to peers when running their own local node, have a look through. Remember steps such as number 1 (disabling firewalls) should only be temporary in order to establish if it is the firewall causing issues, never leave them disabled!

Also, for users who want to run their own wallet but are not very technical, don’t forget the team are working on some public node(s) for the community to use… you will be to connect Metamask or etn-sc client to that instead of running your own node. Instructions will follow their launch. :+1:


The detail and help from community members is superb !!! :ok_hand:


As we now have the old migration and the new bridge with the Aurelius update to consider,

  1. How will this impact the oldest of paper wallets going forward?

  2. What will importing an original paper wallet look like to a user?

  3. Will there always be an ability to import the oldest of paper wallets?

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have you read this?

  1. They wont be impacted at all, they can bridge over like any wallet on the Legacy blockchain.
  2. Please see the Developer Resources as Ikelement posted.
  3. Always? I don’t know, but the team will keep the old blockchain and bridge running for as long as possible. Everyone will have more than enough time to migrate their ETN to the smart chain.

I have 4.9 etn on my online wallet and for a test I wanted to do a send transfer. If I understood right the transaction fee should be under 0.1 etn so the transfer should be possible but when I try to send I get a message:
You do not have enough available balance to make an outgoing transaction.

I get a similar message if I try to send etn from the app where I have the same 4.9 etn.

Is this right ?

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The my.etn online/mobile wallet still seems to require 5etn be left to cover fee. This was necessary on the old legacy blockchain to cover niche issues.

The team will review if it’s necessary now on the new smart chain and adjust if needed Ikelemen. I assume not, but i cant speak for them.

Thanks for raising though :+1:


I guess point 9.2 of the T&C at https://electroneum.com/terms-and-conditions/ is a related issue:

9.2 Each transfer of ETN is subject to a TX Fee which is set at a minimum of 0.1 ETN (“Minimum TX Fee”).


0.1 was the minimum on the old chain, but of course, its fee was more unpredictable due to the way the legacy blockchain works (size of transaction from inputs/outputs etc). Hence the team put a hardcoded minimum balance of 5ETN as this would cover nearly every possible circumstance.

But the new chain is very different so I’m sure they will review and adjust when ready. :+1:


I hope it will be updated soon becase the etn price is mooning soon and 5000€ fee per transaction would be too much :smile:


Anyone successfully migrated ETN (from CLI) to Metamask using the new rpc.electroneum.com?

can etn-cli connect to a remote node just like the old CLI so that the blockchain doesn’t have to be downloaded/synced?

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Yup. Works great.

This guide might help if you are struggling.


By “etn-cli” do you mean etn-sc in “attach” mode? Not done it myself but yes, I think that can connect to remote nodes via http.

Also, you may want to check out Light mode syncing. If there are remote nodes supporting it, you can run your local etn-sc node in light mode and it only downloads the bare minimum, so much faster/quicker.

Have a look at:


Yeah thats an ace guide. Tried it myself and worked a charm !!! Bonus points to the creator !!! :raised_hands: " just one guide "