We are down 10,000 mobile minors this is the opposite of viral growth what's the deal

Thanks mate, one day we can look back at this and laugh lol :slight_smile: have a great day!


I agree arguing about these things may be comical one day. It is easy to get caught up in the small things and want to debate them, but we are both here for the same reason, we all take this journey together. Thank you, I hope you have a great day as well :slight_smile:

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Just a thought. What would electroneum actually market?

That may seem like a dumb question on the surface, but i keep thinking to myself, are they going to market the coin itself? What will be the message they portray? Will it be something like ‘hey guys, use this coin instead of your local currency to pay for stuff…except you still have to use your local currency to buy our currency…’ Or will they market the gig guru website? Will they market the mobile miner? What will that marketing look like?

If they market the ENTIRE ecosystem, how on earth will they do that as there are so many moving pieces.

Ultimately the only marketing we as investors will be interested in is the one that gets people to buy etn, creating demand and price increase.

I honestly cant think how the marketing will work, what exactly will be marketed amd what the message will be.

Any thoughts?

This is just my thought I do not know for certain but I personally think they would market the whole ecosystem. Both individually and collectively. Also different marketing techniques for different parts of the world. For instance how they are running targeted ads for existing woo commerce users, they will individually target parts of the ecosystem to market to certain users. Such as with South Africa and the unlimited deal, once marketing starts it is its own targeted marketing strategy to gain those users, same will be with the gig site they will need to target current gig users and draw them into to ecosystem because of its benefits and transaction cost savings. When Asia is marketed to because of a deal it will be a different marketing strategy than South Africa. Each marketing strategy will need to be individualized to gain that users intrest. Than collectively they market the ecosystem as a whole at the same time. So once their attention is drawn they than see all the other options and uses the ecosystem provides beyond their first reason to use. There will be a lot going on marketing this way but I strongly believe Richard Ells has a solid plan given his background. They are marketing the use of the ecosystem and the different sectors of the ecosystem.


Not the coin itself, probably more along the lines of marketing the instant digital payment system of which the coin is a part of. The Cloud Miner would almost always be mentioned when marketing to end users …you’d think.

But IMO the focus would be on the fact that ETN is a digital payment system that uses the ETN token/coin to digitally transact instantly with very low tx fees.

Once you’ve mentioned that then you can highlight all the various ways the user can obtain ETN to transact with. Like Gig.guru, Cloud Miner, exchanges, any local agent/vendors who offer buy/sell/send

Those ways of obtaining/selling ETN will always be expanding as the project grows and they launch in new areas with new partners.


I would bet that once growth begins to take place in an area, word of mouth will take over. Agents/Vendors, like for example, that car wash and roadside stand in SA would most likely attempt to promote ETN and gain referrals. Might as well right?


Oh the threads I’ve missed out on because I don’t come out of the FOMO club! Why, even SF is in here!

Now if they’d been live in South Africa for a year, the OP might have a point. Or if South Africans had been buying different cryptos to pay their phone bill with the OP might have a point.

Minors aren’t allowed to take part though.


I think the reason for people in these areas to use Electroneum would be first off, to avoid the fee’s that are often very steep to be able to send money easily and fairly. I see the example of the Uganda Mart guy, he is talking about how much it would cost for him to complete some transaction using the existing methods compared to Electroneum which would save him a lot of money.

Also the digital payment thing is pretty important because when you’re stuck in a cash only position, you are excluded from engaging with a huge part of the economy which can be hugely negative from a point of limiting opportunities for an individual.

Now as I think about this, I sell Electroneum for FIAT. For UK users I can offer faster payments through UK bank account which allows me to sell £50 ETN for £52 which means it’s the cheapest place for UK users to buy Electroneum. For users outwith the UK I’m stuck with PayPal. This means that due to Pay Pals ridiculous fee structure I can sell £50 ETN for £56. This means the site gains less and the customer pays more, whilst paypal makes the most.

If it wasn’t ETN I was selling, I’d be using Electoneum’s system because it would be a major benefit over the existing payment providers allowing me to keep the fee for the site the same, but making it much cheaper for the customers, which is a benefit to both the customer and me due to the fact the fairer the price of the service, the more customers.

Then you’ve got the fact that there are many folk who may have cash, but don’t have a digital means of payment as I said, it limits an individuals opportunities massively. Add to that the fact that counterfeiting is a major problem in many “unbanked” countries, that their fiat issued money is usual quite unstable along with the political things being unstable, these people see the US dollar as king in these countries as it’s valuable, stable and trusted. I think if you offered to pay someone in US dollar over their local currency they will choose USD every time. This is why I welcome the news of the Algoz partnership as Electroneum is to be a currency and not a speculative coin, it needs to have the characteristics of a stable coin. This will make it somewhat of an equivalent of a us dollar then, with the added benefit of giving people a digital payment system and “bank account” to boot. if Electroneum finally settles one day at 1 USD I think that would be fantastic, 1 for 1 exchange, 2 decimal placement digital currency, easy work out and it stable.

So that’s why I think folk will use it, because it solves several problems for these people, for free and the things that solve problems in my opinion are the most valuable solutions. In fact, it’s incredibly smart to target these area’s as here in western countries, we don’t have these problems. One thing I would say though is it can solve the PayPal problem and probably western union and all of the blood suckers that are around, the middlemen and then that gives me a strong pride in Electoneum as a project that does have blockchain at it’s heart as it fulfills one of the initial goals of blockchain and cryptocurrency which is removing the middlemen. This is why I’m hoping and praying that when fee’s for vendors come in as part of the companies revenue streams, that these fee’s are minimal, which they could be, since it’s on a huge scale if it’s successful. I think it’s very important that Electroneum stays as close to those initial goals of blockchain and crypto and at the moment, they are doing the best job of reallocating wealth to those who need it and creating a fair currency, because the rest of the crypto space is a very limited group of people hording coins.

I think, if ever a question should be put to Richard Ells, it’s where he stands personally on those initial fundamental goals of blockchain because those goals and that purpose is why many people are in blockchain and crypto, so if Electroneum can show how important those goals and initial purposes are to them, I think they will improve the image of Electroneum ten fold. It’s trying to get people to understand this though, because in my view, and I started in crypto way back in 2012 and I read and read and read and when I realized what crypto was, i just thought this is truly a gift to humanity. You can only give it to them though, what they do with it is a different matter.

But that’s what got me mad into crypto and it’s something really deep in my heart those purposes from someone who has spent a long time looking at how the current “system” is set up.

Just quickly add, look at how xrp is viewed by the crypto community, we want to do something to show we are not in that bracket.


Look at China for example, there is 750 million people in China who earn less than $2.50 a day and the government is building ghost city’s for millions of people and not a soul is in sight.
Because nobody can afford to pay and live in the cities.
You can do the right thing and build infrastructure into an economy, but to pay for it you need the population.
You can’t realistically expect to succeed if you price the the client out of the very market you’ve created.
ETN is doing this smart, in my opinion everyone should have the opportunity to enter at an affordable value and the 1% is quickly going to run out of time if they don’t get a move on and stop complaining.

Has anyone figured out the numbers on the current mobile miner? They don’t seem up to date and seem to change every time you refresh. I’m guessing not accurate?

You make a good point, just because the building is there does not mean it will be used.

For mass adoption the system must be simple, it must be secure, it must be of benefit to the users, and it must be usable in current day to day life regardless of location globally, intelligence, or wealth. Simplicity is key

Just because a system is built does not mean it will be adopted just like we see in crypto all around us, not all will be mass adopted, a large amount likely won’t, some will adopt the system but unless it offers what’s started above it will not reach mass use/adoption.

This is where Electroneum shines imo because they are not only offering the building to use, but the means to make a better living through entrepreneurship inside the building. (This metaphor sounded good in my head let me know if it makes sense :joy:) (building being the Electroneum ecosystem) :zap:

:bow_and_arrow: :bow_and_arrow: :bow_and_arrow:


I don’t think we have heard officially if the number of active mobile miners shown on app is those who have mining extended currently or not. Since it says “active miners” and when I hit extend the miner count goes up one, I personally am under the assumption the count is those who have mining extended. If this were the case you’re correct it wouldn’t be reflecting the total number of miners only those who have it currently extended which is only required ever 7 days. But I don’t think we have heard officially.

Yes ofcoarse it does, Electroneum is not only providing an entrepreneurial oppertunity, ETN provides a healthy and productive environment for growth through the gig economy. The gig economy will be a massive success for those who realize its true potential.
I was also trying to say that those who have been involved this far should not complain about the price or the volume of miners as its early days, the 99% deserve an opportunity to engage this project at an affordable entry price. Its disappointing to see so many complaints about price and time factors in social media, its pure greed. In my opinion mainstream crypto’s seem to be more a trading vehicle, more so than ETN,
ETN is a developing fintech/product and marketing technology which will gain its value through the tangible evidence of its business assets and community expansion.
Once it evolves and people notice, this will explode and all the naysayers and quitters will have a jaw dropping wakeup call.


Id assume that most people doing the mobile mining dont care for the up to $3 a month and dont check it as regular as those who rely on it more, the same way a poor man will have to continually check his bank to make sure he has enough money to live off will check the app to make sure there mining continually

I am starting to think the mobile miner numbers holding up in the 90k range is actually a reflection of increased adoption. Reflecting countries that consider the ETN reward significant to their monthly income, and they are pressing extend. Electroneum will know this breakdown. I think that the notification will remind developed nation users to remember to push it. I am an avid supporter of the project but have found that I am starting to forget to push extend. Cheers :slight_smile:


I think you are right when you say the notification system will be used to urge people to stay on the Miner. Especially those located in the targeted demographic. I have to say I am constantly mining, it is free etn that I can spend in the ecosystem when it is fully setup :smiley::iphone:


MY wife was the biggest hurdle. That was until we went on a vacation fueled by crypto. After that she gave me zero resistance. I find it funny that some knowing nothing of the crypto space demonize it, like it is all the devil’s work, some think I am insane, others idiotic. I tell them educate yourselves don’t invest in what you can’t afford to loose. Dream big and do what feels right to you. Now after a few months and more people coming into the space these same people that looked at me in abject horror, and disbelief when they found out I was in to Cryptocurrency are coming back asking questions, trying to understand why I am already enjoying life more then I thought possible. I do not hold it over them, nor do I speak to it’s advantages as the disadvantages are also there.I instead ask them to envision where they would like to see themselves in the future. I ask them what can they still accomplish in a relatively short amount of time? Although the answers are varied they all share a common theme. In today’s age people want the decisions to make their own choices. This however crosses with lacking the tools required for the job. Many are unsure of how to do this. For me it was an adventure. Invest what I could, when I could and keep investing, learn as much as possible, (more out of curiosity then anything else really) ignore the fudsters and look at the long game, with eyes on some medium and short plays if they became available. I have done well by the cryptospace purely because I see the difference it makes. I believe!

It also makes me HAPPY. (enough to print that on it’s own line).

Knowing that even if it is not today that maybe tomorrow or next week I will be better positioned to control my own wealth the way I desire. ETN is going to enable all of us to do just that. Live the life we desire, what ever that may be. So regardless of what ever becomes of the cryptospace, it has already enhanced my life for ways I could not imagine. So now I must start imagining bigger :slight_smile: For this crazy train is just getting started…


Oh man…no words really…:+1::+1::+1:
We are in this together :slight_smile:

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