We are down 10,000 mobile minors this is the opposite of viral growth what's the deal

Show them what they can buy when it grows (with quality projects) and then they will start liking it. ;)lol

This is the kind of thing that worries me and I’ve seen this many many times. Along with other types of blocking of accounts for other reasons. It’s not KYC I have a problem with, it’s the fact that clearly people who are clearly stating that they are not moving over 150 a month but are being forced into higher tiers and if you don’t comply well your funds are “frozen” which is a pretty way of saying “stolen” because yes the etn may still be sitting in the account and the team may not touch it, but if you can’t access it, it’s technically not yours, it’s been taken from you.

I’ve seen this argument before that well it’s still there the team isn’t taking it for themselves. If I go to someone’s house and take their wallet then say oh it’s ok, I’m not stealing it, I’m just putting it over here in my safe that you will not be able to access unless you do whatever it is I’m telling you then that is still stealing. Previously I’ve also seen two cases of your account will not be unblocked due to “suspicious activity” and one of them, that I saw reported in this very forum was eventually overturned.

This is a serious issue. Blockchain is supposed to move us away from these issues. It’s also really bad for trust in Electroneum. Then we’ve got the responses below, which I don’t believe that Electroneum is simply just farming data and I don’t even believe that they are thieves either but something is not right here at all. I thought I was finished on this thread and I didn’t go looking for this post, I was checking on a post I had made in an Electroneum mining group when it caught my attention.

It’s starting to make me wonder if it is safe to keep coins within the centralized system or if one day they can just be taken from you and that is something I will not support. It defeats the purpose of cryptocurrency. If the account is to be closed there should be a way to remove the funds from the account if you do not want to continue. At the moment this is akin to being held to ransom.

Now I’m thinking if blockchain = transparency then does Electroneum = blockchain? Like the whole point of Blockchain is that it’s transparent. A public entity. You can see everything that goes on.

I think I remember Chris Gorman saying on a podcast with all the big etn youtubers how do we get the facts out there, how do we get the electroneum s**tcoin tag off. Maybe it’s to become more transparent with the actual operation of the “private” part of Electoneum, the company because the majority of folk in crypto are actually so hot on crypto for these actual reasons. So the idea that this big chunk of the coin is private will stop them from ever investing or taking Electroneum seriously.

Yes, I know, Electroneum are targeting the unbanked but let’s be clear, they would be in a much stronger position if a portion of the crypto space came into Electroneum and would benefit hugely if the coin was sitting at a higher price. What I mean by that is, they have a set amount of coins for the miner, if each coin was higher priced then they would give less coin but the same fiat value.


This is happening usually because of AML if accounts are being asked for higher teir, they are probably in a country on the AML black list. It’s also possible that using a VPN would trigger it…

But I agree it’s a bit of a mess and they need to reorganise the knowledge base and support structure fast.

This I think is wise. etn custodial wallets are not hack proof yet. I don’t want that to be the something big.

I also have some concerns about the way things are going with regard to support and reputation.
But maybe we are a bit off topic here… oh well. :slight_smile:


We do not know the direct circumstances of these peoples posts. We don’t know if they have completed kyc process correctly, we don’t know where they live, we don’t know if they have ever transacted more than their limit, we don’t know how long they had their account, we don’t know if they have multiple accounts, we don’t know if they were running multiple miners, there are to many unknowns.

To the one comment saying there is no logical reason to limit the amount a person can transfer, that is kyc aml regulation it is needed. With a verified account there is no limits. Regulated exchanges like coinbase are very similar in verification process and required information to be compliant with regulations.

Just because they are not currently transferring above limit does not mean that account has never gone above that, they are not stolen, the account is frozen until verified, they are not taking them they gave plenty notice to allow transfer outside of their system before kyc. Now accounts need to be verified so it is the users responsibility. Also if accounts running multiple miners have been blocked… good. We don’t know the specific circumstances, and if they did get blocked for no reason because of a bug they should open a support ticket. They are not intentionally blocking people.

Having kyc ads trust to Electroneum. Electroneum needs kyc in place to validity their users. We want valid accounts and I believe those who have a problem with it aren’t telling the whole story as to why they don’t want to do kyc.

Electroneum gave plenty of time for users to transfer their coins out of the system before kyc was implemented. If someone neglected to do this it is their fault and their funds are there they just need to verify their account. Don’t get confused as to why they don’t want to kyc.

kyc adds transparency because they know the users and can verify it is a compliant user in the Electroneum ecosystem and not someone who is trying to do something suspicious. A enhanced registration process is coming soon. But kyc is needed and those who don’t want it is for their own reasons and I bet there is more to it than they tell.

The coins are extremely safe because of this ensuring true transactions between real people. they did not take anything, they are not holding anything ransom. Electroneum is kyc compliant so must it users be, they gave notice, now we are, if someone neglected to move coins if they didn’t want to be involved it’s their fault. But they did not take any coins the account needs verification.

Electroneum is one of the most if not the most transparent project. They gave plenty of notice they did not take anything it is up to the users due diligence. Electroneum is kyc now there is no way around it, it is needed for the ecosystem.

Yes the registration process could be improved. But Kyc is needed and isn’t going anywhere, it is needed to use the Electroneum ecosystem. The registration process will enhance over time Kyc is needed kyc is a good thing it is what is going to sign these deals and create real use.

Once again this isn’t about getting current crypto investors that is not the target, this is where a lot of these comments are coming from those trying to avoid regulations. This is about mass adoption and kyc is needed for it. They are ahead of the game, this is about real use of Etn not something you be speculated over. This is about building a ecosystem and kyc brings validity to that ecosystem.

I understand things could be better with the registration process and that will enhance in time. But I don’t agree with your thought that they have taken users wallets, that users just needs to verify and it is the users responsibility. Electroneum provides a sound system, your accusations are not true. That you think they “took someone’s Etn” is just not true. I know you’re trying to vent about how kyc is seen currently and I agree I have seen issues and they should be addressed it could be better it could be easier, there may be a bug ext, but it is temporary and users can open a support ticket. Your perspective is based off your interpretation of it, they can always verify account and get access. Kyc is needed point blank. Price will come with users and real use of the coin. It will go hand and hand with kyc on the road to mass adoption. They don’t control the price the community controls the price, use of the coin, they now ensure a system that is not manipulated kyc is needed for this on a world wide scale. Time will enhance this process I’m sure they are aware of the things at hand. This is all part of growing pains I hope this helps.


Electroneum hold all keys from mobile wallets. They can do whatever they want. If they want you lock out or stole money. They can do it.
If you are holder of private key’s, then this wallet is safe. But not like this.

I suspect the unbanked are cloud mining.

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Using the mobile wallet yes electroneum holds the keys. This is how they provide the ecosystem. There are other options where a user can hold their keys on their own wallet outside of the mobile wallet. Electroneum is not going to lock you out unless you abuse terms and conditions and they are not going to steal money. It is how they can provide the ecosystem for its users and it makes it more secure. There is a option to hold your own private keys.

Yes, I know, paper/cli wallet. I say only what is possible.

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I am going to give you an example if an issue I have ran into with one of the people that I got into ETN. I got him to create an account and download the app, everything went smooth, however two weeks after using the MM the app is indicating that he must complete KYC (level 2) to continue. He has zero ETN in the online wallet and roughly 25 ETN in the MM. Why would KYC level 2 be required if he has a zero balance? We are located in the US.

ETN is going for the 99%, I understand this and he was one of the 99%… he said he is not going to mess with the “Bitcoin thing” anymore.


It is possible there is a bug doing this, kyc requirements are listed. They need to open a support ticket if those are the circumstances but it is not a common occurrence. The registration process will be enhanced soon it is something that can be improved on I agree. I would suggest to your friend to just take the extra step to get the account verified or contact support. I agree they don’t want to let this go on to long but I think they are going to make the necessary changes to improve process soon. The few with issues will contact support or when Electroneum picks up pace they will try again. There are always growing pains. Tell your friend to contact support and tell us what they say.

Welcome to the community forum by the way I’m also from the US :wave:


Thank you PrestoCrypto.
I will give it a try so see if he wants to open a support ticket. (he is very new to crypto).

I just want to point this out because this could be one of the issues with the MM numbers dropping off.


I think opening a support ticket would be a good route if they do not want to continue with verification currently. Sometimes like with anything needing to contact support happens. A enhanced registration process is coming soon.

I agree with you it could be a contributing factor to the miner numbers going down. It may be a bug causing this but it will be temporary and the process will always be improved on. I have needed to contact support before and the issue was resolved, I’m sure they could help your friend out. You’re right though this could be part of it


Well, I’ve read what you have to say and there are many parts I agree with. I also mentioned the fact that I didn’t think Electoneum were purposely stealing peoples accounts and balances but something was obviously not right somewhere along the line because what I’m talking about in that post is people clearly under 150 having these problems and when I refer to other instances, I personally know the cases I’m referring to which makes the comments of others more valuable, but as you say, we don’t know the cases behind each and every cause.

You seem to have perceived what I’m saying differently how I Intende , I’m not saying Electoneum are trying to steal from people. I’ve never said that. It’s something you’ve perceived. What I’m saying is that the most important thing for Electoneum is TRUST. and how the poor kyc system execution could potentially hurt this trust along with a support system that is somewhat lacking. At no point did I accuse Electroneum of deliberately stealing folks accounts and coins. Do you think for one moment that I would be involved with such a project? I keep coins within the system and without, the majority of which are outside the system. I keep coins in the system because I trust Electroneum.

So far, the only accusations have come from you and I say this with the greatest respect, but you’ve accused me of saying that Electroneum are nefarious, that they are deliberately taking peoples accounts.

You’ve also made a statement about my “true colors”

Look, the thing is, we’re all making assumptions. You’re making assumptions, because unless you’re in the Electoneum team overseeing everything that goes on, those are assumptions on your part. i didn’t come here for a lecture on Electroneum and to be whipped into shape on a certain topic. These are my opinions and views and I think it’s poor form to attack my character over them. I know what your trying to put across throughout the whole undercurrent of your post.

I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree on this one, even though I agree with a lot of the points you’ve made in that statement it seems to me to be a defensive post and I have no interest in attacking Electroneum.

It’s something I’ve seen a lot of and hear a lot about the support, from many people that I deal with on a day to day basis. I don’t really come here much or post but I do think it’s worth bringing things up and talking about them. Thanks for your input :slight_smile:


I agree with you the most important part to the ecosystem is trust. From my perception your intentions were to entertain those thoughts of that person’s “theory” from the picture you posted that Electroneum is unjustly holding back account which they are not. If I perceived incorrectly I apologize. I meant no disrespect , It is not personal and I’m not attacking you, you’re allowed your opinions and views just like I am. So I’m allowed to state my opinion on what you said and I’m being honest when I tell you I personally feel your post was ill in nature even though I agree with the under lying premise. I don’t think you meant to intentionally. I must have taken what you said the wrong way, I’m sorry for making assumptions I just read it differently. I have no interest in arguing either it’s pointless I just saw the thought was entertained by you so I felt I should address with my opinion. I’m not saying those were even your beliefs but i wanted to address the issue in whole I didn’t mean to make it personal I didn’t understand your intentions and I should have worded more carefully as I was not trying to make assumptions or accusations I apologize. I saw this as a accusation and if it wasn’t I apologize but if not by you in general it is a accusation that is out there. We are in this together and should be able to express these concerns and not make it personal and I apologize for misinterpreting your thought and making it personal. But these statements below that you said I perceived as Ill in intent. The underlying premise may have valid concern but I perceived as coming off as “fud” even though I know it wasn’t intended. I mean no disrespect I enjoy talking I just see things different on this and wanted to express my thoughts on what you said.

First the picture with the “theory” really sets the tone for me and caused me to most likely misinterpret what you said because of it.

“it’s the fact that clearly people who are clearly stating that they are not moving over 150 a month but are being forced into higher tiers and if you don’t comply well your funds are “frozen” which is a pretty way of saying “stolen”

-with addition to what you said after this it gave me the impression you think this is intentional and not a bug. This is where my thought of you accusing Electroneum came from. They are not unjustly doing this and to suggest that they are is a accusation imo. I apologize if I misunderstood

“I’m just putting it over here in my safe that you will not be able to access unless you do whatever it is I’m telling you then that is still stealin”

-kyc is a necessary part of the ecosystem ,because a user isn’t compliant does not mean they are stealing. Kyc is known and needed from now on. There maybe temporary bugs but this is not done unjustly. Enhances will happen and the system will work as intended. I agree this is important to focus on because user experience is important and they don’t want to tarnish their image. But accounts are not blocked for no reason, if it happens caused by a bug it will be corrected.

"Electroneum is simply just farming data and I don’t even believe that they are thieves either but something is not right here at all. I thought I was finished on this thread and I didn’t go looking for this post, "

  • the description of how they use your data is posted in terms and conditions. I agree there is always a privacy concern but like with anything do you trust their system. This is drawing up uncertainty and doubt from my perception.

It’s starting to make me wonder if it is safe to keep coins within the centralized system or if one day they can just be taken from you and that is something I will not support. It defeats the purpose of cryptocurrency. If the account is to be closed there should be a way to remove the funds from the account if you do not want to continue. At the moment this is akin to being held to ransom"

-if someone is breaking the law or abuse terms and conditions their account can be blocked and this is good. If someone was running multiple miners and their account got blocked that is a good thing. Do you think those people deserve to keep that Etn? You are either saying you think people don’t need to comply to use the system and it shouldn’t be regulated or that they are being inappropriately blocked from their accounts and Electroneum is holding it ransom, what are you saying by this because I probably understood it the wrong way…

I’m not trying to accuse you I’m not trying to assume. I’m not trying to make you conform and think a certain way I appreciate your opinion. I just had my opinion on what you said and wanted to clear up by stating my opinion. Not saying that you think all of these things just addressing what was said. I perceived a negative vibe from what I read and did not understand your intentions I did not mean to make it personal. Hopefully we can continue our conversations as I do feel they are beneficial and i do not think you are here to attack Electroneum. I think I misunderstood and I apologize. I agree there is progress that needs to be made in order to keep trust. I just wanted to express that Electroneum is not intentionally withholding accounts and that there is always more to the story. I apologize for making it personal I must have taken what you said the wrong way.

I agree moving forward the registration process needs improving. I’m really hoping to see improvements soon to retain users and not deter users because of usability. Trust in the services is a must. Like I have said before I think it is better to fix the system rather than each individual issue. Hopefully we will see this progress soon. We definitely both agree on the importance of this.

I thought you were agreeing with that person’s “theory” in the picture in your post … I apologize for the assumption and misunderstanding.

Hi mate, yeah i’m just like putting out my thoughts on my experience from what I’ve been seeing and hearing and then seeing from around the community and saying “could this be a problem” or “are we missing something here” I actually agree with the majority of what you’ve said, you make a lot of sense and we clearly stand together on the same wave length, so to me, I can see you are very passionate about Electroneum for the same reasons I am and have a good understanding of why KYC is good not bad.

I just like to ask questions, that may sometimes appear negative towards Electroneum, but I’m more concerned about the things that may be negative for the project as In my eyes it’s more important to talk about these things than to talk about anything else.

But yeah, there’s no hard feelings at all. You’re a very active and supporting member of the community and champion Electroneum consistently and that I have great respect for that. I mean, sometimes we’re going to disagree on things but that’s a given.I’m glad we can bring this to a pleasant conclusion.


I appreciate your imput and you do have valid concerns. I misunderstood the intent that’s my fault. I appreciate all your imput and effort into the community I know you get a lot of personal experiences from your website and I am grateful for your insight. Also great work the with website your effort is noticed and respected.:+1:

Onwards and upwards :+1::zap: