Wallet maintenance

Thanks… Hope is only maintenance…

Hi eFiJy,
As a security- and crypto specialist; What would you recommend a save way to buy and/or store ETN. I mean, where to buy and how to store safely (paper wallet, ETN web wallet or marketplace?)

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I have the same question. In fact, the value of top 10 coins are decreasing.

Regarding buying, until now, I used Cryptopia and Tradeogre, they are quite easy to use and don’t require that much KYC verification as on Binance for example. But you can buy from Kucoin and Coinbene as well, I assume they are also fine. I used Cryptopia for most of my ETN purchases, but after I found out about Tradeogre, it is my first choice now. The price is lower than on Cryptopia as well, so you can buy more coins for the same money. Also, here you can find a coin like Stellite, which is ETN’s brother, being forked from Monero as well. Good investment!

I did a post a few days ago regarding all the available means of storing ETN.
Let me find it. Here it is.

There are 5 different ways to hold your coins:

  1. Exchange (Least secure, this is the best way to have your coins stolen)
  2. my.electroneum.com or mobile wallet (It is somewhat more secure than exchanges, but it is possible to be hacked, since they actually exist in the online space)
  3. Desktop wallet (It is the first high-level security you can have for your coins. It has to be backed with a powerful antivirus, having the security level at maximum. Also you need to be careful where you ‘‘travel’’ on the internet. An example of a good desktop wallet is Exodus. Unfortunately, it doesn’t accept ETN yet, but it will)
  4. Paper wallet (This option is bulletproof, as long as you don’t dig your own grave by losing the keys)
  5. Hardware wallet (This should, in theory, be the best option for storing cryptos. Unfortunately, there is no hardware wallet that can store ETN, at the moment. Also, the hardware wallet can be prone to malfunction and you have the same potential issue you have with the paper wallet, and that is losing your 24 word recovery phrase, so another printed information)

All in all, the my.electroneum.com / mobile wallet is the best option for the majority of people, as it is the most convenient and quite secure.


Thamk for all info eFiJy :+1:t2:

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The Electroneum coin is a standard digital currency with no particular features other than being able to transfer it between the addresses, hold it in wallets and use it in lieu of currency wherever it’s accepted.

The latest electroneum wallets comparison gives the best Electroneum wallet with the latest review on Electroneum wallets.
coinswitch .co/news/top-5-best-electroneum-wallets-in-2019-latest-etn-wallets-compared

thanks for the info
has anyone checked out Ellipal?
Its a wallet similar to Ledger Nano S and they are seriously looking into adding ETN

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