The ETN Fomosapien Rocket To Mars’ Moons Club. Vol2; It’s all about the Gig

How much ETN you have bro ? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Guys you thing than in Monday we go much more higher then today/tomorrow ?:smiley:

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If this is a question for me. Than i have to answer that the amount is not important. A amount of 10.000 could be big for some and for others very small. But either way if ETN goes to 1,00$ it will have a very positive impact for our lives. And it isn’t very smart to expose the amount you have. I would also not ask this to a stranger on the street and ask him how much money they have on there bank haha.


I think we make tiny steps everyday. We do not notice them until after a month or two we look back and say. Damm we made some progress. :smiley:


I was just curious, and i understand your answer bro! I just think to get more ETN right now cuz is cheap… I don’t wanna miss chance when go for 1$ or higher… when ETN hit 1-3$ I quit work but when I bought more now I be rich and bought some properties … :sunglasses:

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No problem i understand. It would be a good idea to buy now. ETN will be more expensive in the near future. I bought my first ETN in 2017 and when mobile mining was launched i started right away and i am still mining. I have to confess i did not buy in a while but i will buy again. :smiley::chipmunk:

@Pete I’m exactly the same. Just bought bits every now and again over the last 10 months or so since finding out about the project and being very impressed by everything I saw in my initial research, for the success of electroneum in the future.

Since Monday’s announcements, and Chris Gorman’s report, I’ve been more than Super Excited™ about the future of this project for making a better life for people around the world, and for us investors too. I’m really looking forward to seeing the Gig Economy site and the eLearning platform.

Bought another 6500 ETN this morning to add to mini-stash. The Pinkhair family aren’t after a lambo, we’re more likely to retire earlier than planned and set up a kitten sanctuary :slight_smile: If we can leave the rat race, maybe we can become educators on the eLearning platform! We have one music teacher in our midst, one scientist and another who works in English Language Teaching. And golf; we would play more golf :rofl::rofl:


Awesome to hear :+1:

If ETN mooned, this is one of the first things I would buy. My kitties come before me; they’ve saved my life and sanity on more than one occasion, whilst in the lowest points in my life.

Oh, and of course, build them a catio. :grin:


Just noticed this when refreshing wallet, anyone seen this before?

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Our all-time high mobile miners were 180,000 with probably a lot of bots. We already at 175,500 and climbing super fast!! Everyone ready to break our old record and easily hit 200,000 before July ends? :nerd_face::nerd_face:


This is just cruelty.


Same happened in my wallet. No worries


strong growth on last 24h


if we go like this constantly maybe will real Christmas on this year

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3$ this Christmas maybe my rough predict and calculation


Tous à la Bastille !
230 years on , we’re starting another revolution.
This time it’s gonna be bigger.
Viv la Rèvolucion!
Viv la Crypto!


thats a very bold and ambitious prediction. I never say never, but $0.30 would be astonishing for me =p


Is it my eyes or have we done nearly 10k miners last 24 hours?

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maybe yes but not so excited because maybe clone app or some ghost app

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