The ETN Fomosapien Rocket To Mars’ Moons Club. Vol2; It’s all about the Gig

Well Damn said my man…100% correct…:wink::+1:


Some people think that we might see “The Mandalorian” or “some Mandalorians” in TROS.
There’s even some talk that we might see Hayden Christensen as a Force Ghost.


And we are settled back down to 51 satoshis. That was some fun Thanksgiving trading action. I have been trading Sumokoin/Bitcoin and a couple modest trades of ETN/Bitcoin on Tradeogre. But very small volume and liquidity.

Where would you guys recommend for the best volume and liquidity for someone in the United States. I really like liquid but that’s not really where I want to be since they are trying to get USA Traders out of the liquid exchange until the u.s. exchange opens for liquid. I’ve heard that the fees are really high on hitbtc. I’m not sure about kucoin.

And I just noticed I cannot kyc on kucoin because “United States of America” was not in the list?


Good morning electronights

It is stupidoclock on Saturday the 30th November.

Here are todays statistics

Still looking positive . It was great to see movement

Whatever you do
Wherever you go
Stay safe and above all have a fantastic day



Please don’t make that comment if you not sure…


Wrap up in the u.k



This is beautiful .



That’s a really beautiful story, @Plankton_ETN.

There is some compassion in the world! Heart-warming :heart: :slight_smile:


In other news, HSBC are transferring 40% of their assets from paper onto a blockchain-based custody platform:


The Story of Stone Soup

One day a man went to a village and all the people were hiding. There was a farmer that came and the man asked the farmer why everyone was hiding. The farmer said that all the people of village were hungry and the children were weak.

The man went to the lake and filled a pot with water. He added a stone to the pot full of water and brought it to the village. He put it on a fire to cook.

The farmer asked him what he was making. The man told him it was Stone Soup. The farmer said that he had never heard of Stone Soup and asked if he could have some. The man said "of course, but it would taste so much better if I only had a potato to add, so the farmer gave him a potato.

Along came another villager and he asked the man what he was making. The man said it was Stone Soup. The villager said that he had never heard of Stone Soup and asked if he could have some. The man said of course, but it would taste so much better if I only had some beans to add. The villager came back with a handful of beans and added it to the soup.

A woman came along and asked what the man was making. He said he was making Stone Soup. The woman asked if she could have some. The man said of course, but it would taste so much better if I only had an onion, so she added her onion to the soup.

All the people in the village started to smell the stone soup and came to see what the man was cooking. They all added their vegetables to the soup. After a while, the soup pot was filled with many wonderful flavors and the entire village had a feast.

Everybody thanked the stranger and he was there for many days to feed them the Stone Soup.

I got to know about this from Tim Ferriss’s ’ Tools of Titans '.


Moral of the above story.

By working together, with everyone contributing what they can, a greater good is achieved.

This reminds me of Electroneum and us as a whole community.
This is what separates ETN from the rest.
Making it one of the best.
Everybody here is giving something to a greater good , a better future.

Go us!!!:rocket::rocket:

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Here’s hoping :grin::rofl::rofl:

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Sounds more like a dodgy ICO to me, you give away your goodies and all you get is stones.


A small price to pay for salvation


People need motivation right? Not to hard to grasp.


Don’t talk to me about people.

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