The ETN Fomosapien Rocket To Mars’ Moons Club. Vol2; It’s all about the Gig

I think it would be a good idea for the team to temper expectations, if it is not going to be released EOS, as previously mentioned. If they do not then I would assume it is still on course for then!


End of September for GiGFair. Look at Oliver’s previous announcements and answers to questions back in July/August.


Quit stating this date as if it’s fact.

“Should” is the wording that was used.

It was not an exact date given. I get tired of people making things up and presenting as if it’s factual.

Should means it was an approximation…if they knew the exact date they would be ready to go live then they’d give an exact date. If they could predict the future, then why limit the fortune telling to just ETN?

If you are hyping it and giving people false info about the date Gigfair will launch, then you are kind of irresponsible and must not care too much about the project. states Coming Late 2019 on the landing page.


The fact is that it is coming is the only thing I care about.


Well end of Septemeber is just a target they would like to be able to go live by, but it’s not in any way shape or form a definitive date and I think they have been clear on that. It seems many people can’t grasp what should means.

Means in a perect world without any unforseen challenges, they are pushing for that timeframe.

doesn’t mean it will without a doubt happen by end of September.

It’s coming and that’s what’s important, and when it’s here and the site is accessible is the time to promote it.

Sending prospects to a landing page that just has a brief statement would be goofy.


I will promote the project with the words used by the ETN team. I will use the word should.

GigFair should be launched in the next 13 days!!! Let the excitement be known to all! Keep promoting and introducing the project. Sell people on the ecosystem. Sell people on the smooth transactions. Sell people on the ease of transferring money at almost no cost. And sell people on the belief that this will benefit the unbanked.

Get ready! Should be very soon! Should be T minus 13 days!!


This is FOMO thread, sure we have to be exited :joy::joy:


Heh okay…that would be much better than giving an exact date like it’s known for sure.

I think you’re jumping he gun a bit myself, but I love the enthusiasm.

So don’t let me ruin your buzz.

Sometimes you only get one chance to get your message in front of a set of eyes.
Wasting that one chance on a simplistic landing page might not be the best way to go about it.


Richard stated Aug as a possibility and Sept definitely on a video interview. Think it was Crypto Rich’s Interview.

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Now it’s too late, peoples expectation have reached the rooftop already, it would be better if GIG turns out to be successful endeavor price-wise or we may face massive exodus :scream:

It’s a pretty big underatking though. Building a site like that from scratch and having to start over because the previous version was too complicated to navigate.

I don’t know, it’s seems sort of impossible to give accurate release dates with these type of things IMO.


Just because the site is released should not equal a price spike. That will come when we get real users on the platform and money velocity.


September it is :grin:

The countdown has already started :clap:

Agreed. But RE mentioned end of Sept knowing it was being re-developed. He also knows he’s had a history of perhaps giving dates when he shouldn’t. So I’m quite confident, at that point all was on track for Sept as he hinted even Aug a possibility. But as we know, stuff does crop up…

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People need to chill, gigfair will take time to reach it’s full potential and user/buyer reach.

Expecting Price to explode because it launches is unrealisitc and just sets one up for dissapointment.

It needs time to build a workers and buyers base and attract existing workers and buyers from other platforms.

Need to have some patience while it grows after it’s launched.

Maybe it takes off quickly, who knows. Expecting that to be the case might cause some disapointment.


Thank you.

My positivity and excitement has never wavered since I invested in January 2018. Like many of you, I have seen the deadlines and release dates pushed back many times. I truly believe that the team Has used its vast experience in the business world to estimate the end of September being the launch date for gig site.

And I also want you to know that I have read the forum constantly and I appreciate your professor status and all the post that you make daily.


Agreed again. I don’t think it will ‘rocket’ immediately. Can’t wait to see what does happen though


Why does the website say 3,099,139 registered users?

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Remember AMA with Olivier

Q. ETN is not partnering with more MVNO’s just third parties & that is why we are not
seeing any growth via Cloud Miner, it is just a unknown 3 party retailer. The other
20 counties will done with this way all while people are thinking we are getting real

A. I understand your skepticisim. We all want to see immediate results. You will be
surprised very soon to see huge deals with major corporations, including huge
MNOs. I just ask you to be patient. Do not lose faith. I am a journalist, first and
foremost, and have never lied
It has not been an easy road. But believe me, we will get to where we have set to
be and that is mass adoption that can only happen through major deals. Our recent
fork (8 July) was about that and you have to give it time. Good solid things do not
happen overnight.
We are taking the proof of concept approach. And it is working, believe me. We
have turned some major eyes our way. But even just the legal stuff, the contracts,
the wording, takes time but we are very close to surprising the hell out of the crypto

So now no wonder people have right to expect a lot after so nice and promising statement

:rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket: FOMO :rocket::rocket::rocket:


I wasn’t trying to scold you or anything. I am kind of grumpy this morning is all. I’m glad you are excited.

Because it is exciting. I’m a little worried that people are expecting huge price movements as soon as gigfair launches and if that doesn’t happen will take it out on ETN and the team. And I think that is unfair if that happens.

I’m playing the long game, because I beleive that gigfair and ETN really will be a vehicle that many living in poverty can use to change their lives and the lives of their families.

I don’t think it can happen overnight though, I think it’s going to be a process and there is still a lot of work to be done after it’s launched to enable gigfair and the elearning platform to become what they have the potential to become.

Lots of infrastructure and ecosystems still need to be developed. But, once Gigfair is launched some things can move forward more quickly I think.