The cause of actual price

What do you think? Does the price go up because wallets are offline ?

No - I think ETN has attracted significant attention now. People who weren’t looking are now looking and seeing what the team has accomplished. As the market cap increases people really notice it. As ETN gets higher in the market cap it will continue to attract more attention. Very positive progress now.


Very optimistic opinion and Electroneum needs people like you, but the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Well deserving too. It was hampered by Asics and whales badly. Such a beautiful coin was loosing

M-Kid and his army, great product delivery and future milestones, and now FOMO has set in :slight_smile:

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Fomo combined with closed wallets preventing (making it harder at least) large whales to sell is my guess =)

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I agree with @Mulder there is more and more people seeing ETN as a valid investment currently because of our run up ETN is in the news on a lot of places and people want in and a lot of investors only look at gainers and market positions and one thing is sure ETN managed to reach that so it will only keep attracting more and more people in my opinion :wink:


looks like trading bots revalued the coin

Several things , the beta payment system is now live . @m-kid and his warriors
And simply because people have removed their heads from the sand and realised what we all already know. Etn is king[quote=“CatalinM, post:1, topic:5384, full:true”]
What do you think? Does the price go up because wallets are offline ?

We will rise above the rest

ios is about to be here, cant wait for all of thoses users to join the party

Over $11million traded in last 24hrs! That should tell you something. Nothing to do with wallets.


@JR-360 Have you thought about the amount of etns locked in wallets?

In overview of the market it’s a up time for over 87% of all crypto but I’m pretty aware some hidden factors pushing. …

as much as people like yourself are trying to downplay ETNs recent uptick im afraid its not going to work , ETN rise has been a combination of fundamental use case being realized opposed to a speculative pump. The idea that the prices are going up due to wallets being offline is absurd and manipulative, people can still sell their ETN that they buy on cryptopia for example and buy something else if they choose to. I just bought some just a moment ago by transferring some BTC into cryptopia and bought some , i am equally free to sell that same ETN back into BTC and purchase something else. But clearly people have understood the real value proposition ETN holds into the future , double with the marketing drive which is about to hammer down. Smart money is buying and hodling


Rest easy. Expanded on below, from André Patta:

  1. Successfully fixing exchange wallets

  2. Electroneum’s wallets online soon

  3. Important Notes: Status of Your Balance and Transactions

  4. Successfully fixing exchange wallets

After already having the fix prepared, and to ensure ETN trading activity could be resumed as fast as possible, we worked intensively together with exchanges to have them prioritized. Fortunately, most exchanges were extremely receptive; not only expressing a good understanding of the situation, but also providing good cooperation and support. In fact, Electroneum was the first Cryptonote coin to get out of maintenance at Cryptopia within just a few hours after we released the patch in our GitHub page. (It is worth noting that, by the time of this post, ETN is still the only CN coin online at their service). Other exchanges such as KuCoin and CoinBene were also very productive and ETN wallets were back online in just a few hours of work as well!

  1. Electroneum’s wallets online soon

Now that the vast majority of exchanges have updated to the latest Electroneum software, we started working to update our own wallet system (both web & mobile). The process of updating our internal system is quite similar to the process the exchanges took, but should take a little longer due to the amount of wallet servers we have to update. (Yes, we have several wallet nodes to handle our 2M+ users and way more to come!)

We are pleased to report the upgrade process is already running and is expected to finish soon. While we now finish the update to our wallet system we kindly ask for your patience.

  1. Important Notes: Status of Your Balance and Transactions

Please Note: Your full balance might not appear correctly during this maintenance period as wallets are being rescanned on the blockchain. This is perfectly normal during this time and will be corrected when the maintnance completes.

Also of importance: No transactions have been lost, including the ones sent from an exchange to our web/mobile wallet while in maintenance. Thank you again. We’ll be up and running soon.


no… when the price hit 300% after it crashed below 80sats mobile wallets are working… @M-Kid play some nice part to it… better thank him…

He and his team has definitely helped , perfect timing for both the release and @M-Kid


Trying to figure out why prices fluctuate and predict the Electroneum trading market is going to become more and more complex and difficult as we succeed in mass adoption. When the mobile carriers start to get their mining commissions and payments from customers and they cash those out it will be a race to figure out which days and what times and what exchanges they sell on so you buy up right after that.

Very Well Said :+1::+1: I agree with you 100%…