MWC Announcements

Here at MWC where Rich is discussing two massive announcements…[#MWC19]

Ok, let go. Finally here

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The new Electroneum M1 phone looks great!


Electroneum have literally captured every facet of the mobile market. The airtime, the MVNO/MNOs, the incentives and now even the mobile phones. The smartphone was the last thing I would have expected, but it makes complete sense.


Exactly. Take that new phone and add Chris Gorman’s joining of the GSMA Intelligence board and we can start to see the vision and path these guys have for the future.


The smartphone really was a surprise to me and I think an awesome idea great job guys.


Just top notch idea for the booth and love the phone (which I was hoping you would do one) :slight_smile:

And turns a tiny profit :slight_smile:


Fantastic news …

Smartphone !!! Dam we were NOT expecting that…

Amazing absolutely amazing

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wow nice good job .:heart_eyes::kissing:



Looking forward to that 3$ a month ! :slight_smile:

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Hi guys, this is amazing news.
Stand looks amazing!
Unlimited partnership is amazing!
Top up directly from Electroneum mobile app! Amazing!
Everything I expected out of Electroneum is happening :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Although I feel a little bad for making a recent thread regarding air time top up prior to these announcements :sob:


Great start. Check this out. If you look deeper into the unlimited . You will discover their parent partner, CELL C. Cell C is one of the largest MVNO wholesalers in south Africa. They have over 20 partners, including Virgin Mobile. (17 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS TOTAL). Once the unlimited is launched, the others should follow. Very Bullish for ETN.


Thank for giving me more FOMO :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::sunglasses::bow_and_arrow::bow_and_arrow::tada::tada:

Wow I never knew. Very bullish info thanks!

Fantastic news…although, I read where the people we most want in Africa make approximately $30/month. I would think that an $80 phone would seem expensive to them. That’s like a guy in USA making $3,000/month buying an $8,000 phone…hope I’m wrong…

Run, Like a WIND !

What does that mean?

I’ve got to be honest, in the lead up to MWC I was convinced these announcements were going to be about deals with mvno’s or perhaps extra functionality in the app or maybe a new form of marketing. I don’t think I’d have been disappointed with any of these things but today’s announcements, especially the phone, are INCREDIBLE.

I can’t believe no one put two and two together when an unbranded phone appeared on the website - it all makes sense looking back.

No one saw this coming but it’s great news on so many levels. I completely understand the notion that having a physical product adds legitimacy and this is definitely needed because crypto hasn’t got a great name, especially at the moment! We know ETN are legit but newcomers will understandably be nervous - this phone means, in their eyes, they’ll be dealing with a phone manufacturer rather than a crypto startup and I think that alone is invaluable! I can’t wait to see how they sell and I really hope The Unlimited see a big uptake for their SIM cards!!


Calm yourself with a nice cup of tea!