Importing the Blockchain to Electroneum CLI

Mined last year before ETN pulled the plug for miners. I have to do taxes on these coins mined. Importing blockchain sticks at height 675000 / 847344. One thread is at 100% in task manager.

Using most recent Binary Version Proof Of Responsibility.

What are my options, I don’t have time left now to do this the slow way or the slow way and that hangs as well. Why is this even a problem? Probably the most important aspect of any coin is uber reliable tools to the blockchain.

Moved the downloaded blockchain.raw to the same directory as the wallet
Open Console as Administrator
Put in the following command:
electroneum-blockchain-import --input-file blockchain.raw --dangerous-unverified-import 0

It read the blocks up to 847345, it started processing the blocks, looked like batches but it has stopped at block 675000. It created directory in C:\ProgramData\electroneum\Imdb with two files:
data.mdb which grew to over 38gb
lock.mdb 8kb

There is over 809gb of free space left on the SSD as a note for all of these files.

So what do I do now? Thanks

Well I closed the console for Electroneum-blockchain-import and started electroneumd.exe, it started at around block 600000, so I have most of the blockchain loaded. It is now loading the rest of the blocks at a really fast rate. So if no other problems, I should be OK.

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