ETN Rocket to Mars FOMO Club

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Things are just as exciting as day 1

Scratch THAT

Things are way more exciting :zap:

So many things just around the corner

Something BIG is coming



Just in case anyone here wants to watch ETN stats that include Artis Turba click on the “show all markets here.”


Yeah, I’ve said it before, they put some western crybaby “investors” to shame.


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Today 6
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All Time 831

Let’s not forget that they’re users not investors and without those so called western crybaby “investors” ETN would not be here.

Well, I said “some” not “all”. But users is what we want.

Yes we need users but think about this, If mass adoption happens and the price stays low then from an investors perspective it will be a failure but from the ETN team’s perspective it will be a success.

It’s hard to see how the price can stay low with real mass adoption, in effect the “users” become the new generation of “investors” as they will be the ones absorbing the supply far more than a few of us do. It would be more like a strong fiat currency, one that everyone wants, so its price stays strong in relation to other currencies.

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You can’t print more ETN. Fixed supply with increased demand allows for the worth of something to move up.

And you don’t think that as this ecosystem evolves it won’t attract more investors? People from the 1% in crypto? and the 99% that aren’t?

Come on man.

I understand your concerns. The more likely thing that would happen to kill the price would it NOT being mass adopted.

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21b supply ÷ 10m users = 2,100etn

100m users, 210etn

If being used in a ecosystem the equivocal fiat value must be correlated to amount of Etn being used, if mass used, low supply high demand in real life use cases, the fiat value of Etn used must be correlated to supply and fiat world value in ecosystem. The more users the less supply for the ecosystem, more demand.


Yup, of course we aren’t there yet. May never happen (but of course we think it will or we wouldn’t be here!). Such is the gamble of investing.


Yep and as Rich has said they have deals in place to flip the switch on 100 million users. That by itself is going to drive the price up.

This is a year of building. I wouldn’t expect more than 2-5 cents in value this year. Once that switch is flipped (could be the end of this year) we’ll all be very happy :slight_smile:


Exactly as stated, let’s not forget that crypto is fundamentally designed to increase in value over time due to decreased mining returns forcing prices up. Investors will keep coming - fact! This coin has worked miracles in the last year and what is coming is going to be nothing less than spectacular!


Very realistic. I see probably 5 - 10 cents this year, then early next year the full go happening and then it’s going to be one hell of a ride. You figure the 3 month small trial, then probably another slightly longer bigger trial, learn and fix the things that you find…should put us early next year to be able to start adding users at the quicker rate required. The video where Richard said if they go to MWC next year, it will just be to show off, they don’t need to drum up anymore business…oh damn, fomo incoming. Need to go check if my expense check is here yet.


That was either a very arrogant comment with nothing to back it up or they really do have that amount of business sitting on the sidelines waiting on them.

Judging by Uncle Rich’s business poise and the way he carries himself I am going with the latter. And because of that statement in the video, my FOMO is through the roof. Just wish I had more money to put into this project.


anybody else having dreams about etn or waking up in the middle of the night to check whats happening? I think i have a problem :sweat_smile:


And then that little blurb Crypto Rich had in his video, where he said Richard can’t do an interview because he is working on a big deal and possible a partnership with another crypto…but planned to be able to talk about it by the middle to end of next month…Load up those bags now, these prices aren’t going to last.


Do you have a link to that video? must have missed it

Came out this morning. Quote on the interview is at 15:45.


My Man! thanks dude :bow_and_arrow: :bow_and_arrow: :bow_and_arrow: