ETN Fomo Moonwalk Club

Tanwax. The sugar!


TANWAX Has FOMO Please help.

:chipmunk::new_moon_with_face::rocket::gift_heart: :rofl: :earth_asia: :chipmunk::chipmunk::new_moon_with_face::rocket::gift_heart: :rofl: :earth_asia: :chipmunk:


Woah! @Tanwax ETN jekyl/Hyde. Lol. Lets be nice friends.

Happy valentines to you all…

Woke up to a gift this morning from the other half…

Etn t shirt

She is a star !!!


Hey all, no nothing ? I was offline for two days!! Loads hedding- powercuts, and then a generator or something went down because of it? please keep me posted, pleae?

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What a weird dream I just had.
I don’t know if this is a sign but I just woke up at midnight from a dream I was tagging along with a family that was visiting people on the moon. They had to densely pack everything into their family car plus me.

Moon - lots of rain, tiny houses, narrow back streets (only buses and approved large vehicles get the wide streets), weird sports (like a modified, more cramped soccer because being able to play an open space sport was a release from their cramped lives), no hoarding allowed - anything not getting used gets shredded and recycled & families were highly racially diverse with many adoptees. I was constantly making cultural and legal mistakes because of the tight cramped spaces and constant rain so was constantly being corrected on my behavior. Looking around at the sky I could see giant pillars of rain in the distance.

I went exploring the streets on foot and got lost (streets are very clean), by the time I made it back they were leaving back to earth and I had to hurry to be ready to leave. Their family car was packed and I told the father of the family they have to take me with them because they are my only way back. I was terrified I would get “shredded and recycled” because I didn’t see any homeless there when I was exploring.

He said, he only has a small space left in the car, I have to get rid of everything except maybe a tiny bag of clothes. I said that’s ok I’ll just throw away everything except a tiny amount of clothes. He said nope, you have to go buy your own personal shredder from the home improvement center and shred everything you are leaving behind first, that’s the law.

So it was a race against time for me to get to the home improvement store, buy the right type of shredder, get it back and shred whatever I had left and jump into the family car.

Weird dream. Maybe we should go to Mars instead, I think it will be less cramped.


Definitely hide your paper wallets a safe “distance” from the shredder in case you sleepwalk.


Good morning from North Lincolnshire, UK guys. A bit of advice please. I’m stuck in Cryptopia, with 1.1m ETN, which was a big commitment for me personally. (Most bought quite high, between 230 and 300 sats, not concerned about being down for now). I understand theNZ Police investigation is done, and patiently awaiting them to open their doors again, hopefully, with my funds intact. I’d like to keep these on a platform, even though I know a paper wallet is safer. So, KuCoin comes up a lot on here, which would seem a logical place to move to. Question… can I move directly from ETN (Cryptopia) to ETN (KuCoin), or will I have to cash in to BTC before transferring over ? And are there any other recommended platforms so I could split my risks ?

hiya, if and when cryptopia re opens will can move your etn to kucoin - just remember the payment id as well as the address if required.

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Kucoin is the main exchange in town but Liquid is the safest with cold storage and regulated. And yes that’s a lot of ETN to be locked up on Cryptopia. At that level I would have it in a paper wallet (or 2) and use a CLI to manage it. Electroneum cold storage coming soon so you could keep it in their wallets when that happens (assuming you have KYC3)



Registered Users


Question is, did you tell her about the secret stash? Lol


Hahahahah nope , but get this

Got her wine , roses and card . Said ill take you out for dinner somewhere nice…

She said no thanks ill have a Mcdonalds breakfast you spend the rest on etn…

Nuff said…


Hello people of fomo land…

Could you please have a read from here.

And feel free to reply there with thoughts.

My replies there a being moderated ATM.

What do people think about the unbanked needing to pass level 3 kyc to even use the app?



Registered Users


Getting closer !!!


Yep tomorrow will be a nice number :slight_smile: