ETN Fomo Moonwalk Club

Plenty of FOMO on my end @Cosmicrypto, rest assured.

Severe lack of fiat to calm it for the time being. Come on Craigslist and letgo listings! :grin: Daddy needs more ETN!


Hey @storm, did Brave ads start working for you yet? Not available on my end, don’t see a new update either.

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I just did a new thread everyone and like the other day I’d love all your feedback. When @Cosmicrypto mentioned the vending machines I got thinking about an Electroneum branded ATM that could not just work with ETN but select cryptos that are following the laws of the land. They could choose at their own discretion.

I look forward to hearing from you all if you get moment to chime in with your thoughts.


Hey J5…

Goodnight all 1130pm Australia.



Hey there pahini and goodnight there too.

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M= Micro-transactions or so it seems to me or the M in M-kid?


Mobile phone coverage in south Africa it looks like 3-G rules down there.


Something is unusual.

This is what i was talkin about.

Definite lack of civilan/ commercial traffic between the 2 countries.

My guess would be that one or both governments set up a no fly zone along the border region, although it is not charted on any my resources.

Commercial flights would be allowed to pass through if it were just a TFR.

Standard procedure for ATC to direct civilian traffic away from ANY hazard to the flight, this includes terrain, other traffic, and weather as well.

What about a food delivery company branded M1 in developing countries where the customer is not always going to have a laptop or desktop but is most likely to have a phone?
Employees could accept ETN for the company by putting a fiat option in the “request a specific amount” option.

Edit: Also Wirex just added 10 fiats

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Only commercial/ civilian traffic should be visible on the site you posted. Military traffic operates on discrete transponder codes and frequencies.

That being said, troop and cargo transport to potentially hot zones is standard op procedure. Could be for real, or just a show of force. “Saber rattling.” Been happening for years between the Koreas, but I digress.

I would suggest a non ETN discussion topic for this subject. :grinning:

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I think i should stop posting stuff about this on the community.
Might get some heat on me.

Better off i delete all the posts.

I don’t think you have to do that, it’s a genuine concern for some of our community members, just maybe not the right location for it. FOMO Moonwalk and all

I appreciate your concern, and real world situation, don’t want to pretend that it’s not happening. Just recommend a separate thread for it.

We care about all of our community members well being.

EDIT: Or maybe a PM group, if those are still functioning


I think it is a good rule not to talk about politics and religion or other controversial subjects when this is a forum for all and most of us do not want to be in a position where we need to pick a side in a conflict that is outside the subject of ETN. I want all rase, religion, sex and politics to find common ground and be a happy family in this forum. No background or friends, money or sosial status stops us from talking. We are a unit a friendly group that enjoy this forum and the friendship we develop.


Congrats to @Magic @Jernej @Tika and @Maritz! :clap::clap::clap::clap:

I look forward to seeing this come together.


It wraps up tomorrow. Guys please lets not mess with this anymore. Could really be a problem…

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This was fun, but it must stop…please

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The QR code is meant for people at MWC only. You are not allowed to post it on the forum. I will be reopening this thread after MWC is finished. Please think before you post.


Hello everyone. I’m here to remind you of some ground rules before I reopen the topic:

  1. Please stay on topic. Anything unrelated to ETN goes to the non-ETN discussion.
  2. No referrals or soliciting.
  3. Do not ask others to post for you.
  4. Comments on the future of electroneum are great, but they are not to sway or influcence people’s opinion.
  5. Please do not FUD this project, other projects or other people. We are a passionate, positive community and we should all reflect this.
  6. A reminder not to use obscene or defamatory language or images.
  7. Please think before you post. If you wouldn’t say it out loud, please do not type it here.

Thank you.