Trusted remote node

Sorry, just checked it and it had stopped on Sunday evening - typical as I had checked it on Sunday afternoon!!

It’s just resyncing now and should be good to go in the next few minutes.

If you’re going to be using it, please let me know how you find the performance via a PM as I am considering throwing more resources at the machine.



It is up and running, thanks.

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This will be interesting as it took me 11 hours on quite a powerful Azure VM, when using the raw backup. From reading Chris’ comment, he suggests that he didn’t use the raw backup.

As mine was taking a little while to sync when I loaded a wallet, I thought I needed to throw more resources at it but it seems like it was a wider problem and hopefully this update will resolve.

I guess I’ll just need to update my electroneumd once the update is pushed??

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@oieieio I think the remote node etn daemon needs to be updated to v3.1. I got the error message when running wallet cli v3.1:
Error: Daemon uses a different RPC major version (1) than the wallet (2): Either update one of them, or use --allow-mismatched-daemon-version.

Or is it safe to use " --allow-mismatched-daemon-version" parameter ?

Hi @lkelemen.

I’ll try to get the daemon updated ASAP but just got back from the Apple Store as my laptop is broken. I’ll get another PC up and running in the meantime and get it all sorted but might take a day or so

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I’ve just updated the daemon to 3.1. It’s currently converting the blockchain database version from v1 to v2 and not sure how long that’ll take, it’s currently doing it in chunks of 1,000 and taking a few seconds for each chunk.

Let’s assume 5 seconds per 1,000 and 7.9m blocks. If so, that’s 11 hours??

Seems to have sped up a bit and doing about 100k in 4 minutes now but will still be several hours

I also started a local sync. I was 33 day behind. It has been syncing since 8 hours but now it is at 731874/737021. 99% 5174 left. A strange message comes time to time but it just continues syncing:
“No incoming connections - check firewalls/routers allow port 26967”. I checked the firewall and all ports are open for UDP for electroneumd. I opened this specific port for TCP just for sure

I guess it might be because mine is on a spinning disk on an Azure VM without too many resources. After sync’ing the blockchain first time, I wound the resources back as it didn’t need so much RAM.

It all sync’d up overnight and seems to be working well. If anyone wants to test, please do :slight_smile:

Windows: electroneum-wallet-cli.exe --daemon-host=
Linux: ./electroneum-wallet-cli --daemon-host=