The Fight the ETN Dump Club Here Thread

This is the same impression I’m under. Have you looked at some of these possible companies? There are some very interesting companies that would match Electroneums purposes great! I’m very interested and can’t wait to hear more!


My speculation is just running wild haha I will try to settle down some as I am causing myself to fomo more than usual…which is a lot


Just sayng


I am always FOMO when looking in to ETN


Im not saying its easy for anyone to accumulate…but at these prices with a little bit of nousse( using your head)
A little bit of hard work and going without a few things you don’t really need …its not hard to build a decent bag of nuts…quite rapidy


Me too :wink: :zap::zap::zap: we are all very educated imo !


Haven’t really no. I have no idea if the actual name of the company is WEBS AND APPS SDN BHD, maybe they wanted their name kept on the down low for now. Only way to know for sure is to find the official site where Malaysia lists their registered companies and see if it can be found there.

We’ll find out eventually I suppose.


This is what I have been researching I have not yet found a company by that name nor have I found any release of announcement information yet but I will continue researching as I am very interested!


One wrong push of a button and i lost my TA chart


This seems to be the site for registered companies, but the search box isn’t workng for me.


just uploaded this video to youtube about initiativeQ and electroneum.


You gotta get this dudes phone number…hes good for doing this viral marketing number?!!

Look the new ETN system will be as Richard said live in 1Q of 2019, which will allow to accommodate up to 200.000.000 users so how do you expect to hear big deals,conctract news when system is not even live ?
First of this has to happen and then the Team will be able to adopt big mobile operator, then we can expect price to go truly up not before.
This is my humble opinion.


Apparently it is a company owned/registered by a foreign entity.

Can foreigners register a company in Malaysia?

Under the Company Commission of Malaysia (CCM), all foreigners only be allowed to register a private limited by shares (Sendirian Berhad- “Sdn Bhd”) company in Malaysia . Foreigners are not allowed to register sole proprietor, enterprise or LLP companies in Malaysia , these entities are meant for Malaysian only.

And here is an interesting read about registering a foreign owned corporation in Malaysia.

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Hmmm very interesting! I’m researching now I’ll post anything I find. Great info!

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Some more resources, they don’t seem to make it easy to search for info on a company heh. Unless I’m missing something obvious. That search box that didn’t work for me in firefox maybe is the place to look.

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I think its only fair if you quote someone to quote everthing in a reply.
Nothing at all wrong with what @Storm posted.
I am accumulating before the big news flow …
I will continue to do so until I burst…!


The cost ETN got by running all this is high as richard say so they want wait to loong before they will start to try growing

I got all excited when I read your post! Went and checked my iOS app and mine’s still working fine. Looks like a little longer before beta is done :nerd_face:

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Mine is still working with out any notice.

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