The Fight the ETN Dump Club Here Thread

The Journalist is an absolute idiot!!..This is his opening statement…
“(ETN) saw a brief, preposterous spike of 38%, as the coin jumped following its listing on the HitBTC exchange.”…WHY Preposterous ??..Here’s the meaning…

contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous.
“a preposterous suggestion”
synonyms: absurd, ridiculous, foolish, stupid, ludicrous, farcical, laughable, comical, risible, hare-brained, asinine, inane, nonsensical, pointless, senseless, insane, unreasonable, irrational, illogical; outrageous, shocking, astonishing, monstrous, unbelievable, incredible, unthinkable; informal crazy…
There are ONLY 2 possible references to ETN in the meaning of Preposterous Above…unbelievable and incredible, And i don’t think he meant Either one of them !!!

This article is Full of False statements !..He has given NO FACTS !!.. The man has IMO done Absolutely NO research about Electroneum at all it seems…AND He didn’t elaborate on the “Deeper Problem” at ETN…I mean, what the hell is that all about…???
Its Quite obvious to me that Someone Somewhere is Very threatened by Electroneum and it potential…!!!


Yeah they are cool. We need them to get ETN on the network. Could happen.


how does it work is it instant buy instant sell? ino buying bk thy pay less but neva bought yet.

This seems to be a concoction of of multiple, out of date articles. In one sentence, its stated that BTC has just passed $10,000 per coin. To get from where we are today up to $40k in 6 weeks will be an interesting ride :confused:.

I agree that we need to get rid of most of the currencies tho, there are just far too many now

What kind of debit card? There was a big announcement a few months ago that VISA would no longer allow their credit cards to be used to buy cryptocurrencies.

We need to concentrate on getting merchants to accept ETN as payment, that is what is going to make this coin great. Merchants will use the fiat pairings on the exchanges. The fiat pairings are usually at or near the top of the list if you sort the markets by price so we just need to increase that volume.


You just except their exchange rate. Its not a real wallet system. They sell a bit higher and buy back even lower. Bit lame…

@ETNCEO HAY GUYS this is a scam looks too good to be true. How can we stop it


Found a article on mobile streams having a new partnership with coolgames


We need to use Etn also. Set aside your saving pot, and buy some more Etn in portions to use, on things you would by anyway with fiat…


My experience of the UK banking industry is that some banks are actively blocking transactions to crypto sites but its per financial institution, not scheme-central such as VISA or MasterCard doing the blocking.

The scheme providers do have centralised fraud detection algorithms that put higher risk on crypto transactions but at the end of the day, if it is not fraud, there is an obligation to allow the transaction to proceed.

There was some concern in the UK 10 months ago where people were buying BTC on credit cards expecting the increase to continue and they’d pay off the credit card with the value increase of BTC. Not sure if this was seen elsewhere in the world??


I think it is pretty safe to say that occured on a global scale.
Hundreds of thousands are probably still paying off their credit cards.
In Australia my bank actually sends me a text first to confirm that the transaction is my own doing.
Only when Im buying Crypto it seems.

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I am still mining with one rig. 4 rx 580 8gb cards. And a gaming rig with 2 1050ti’s. I mine graft for now and selling it at a profit for Electroneum. Get about 150 to 200 etn a day. It all adds up.

Shut off 2 other rigs. My extra electric cost for all my mining is about $250 / month. Holidays make things tight. But I like to have my daily purchase from graft to BTC to ETN. :wink:


If all goes well this weekend, we will be launching our ecommerce store on Cybermonday 26 Nov which will be accepting etn. This will be the first ecommerce store selling computer hardware, peripherals, etc that will accept etn (atleast in south africa that is).



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Meh. Twenty beers (it is Friday.) Please drink responsibly. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I’ve still got 12 cards running mining graft directly. I don’t really want to trade that either though. My electricity is fed by solar panels on my roof and I get a rebate for the overages, so I’m looking at the rigs as heaters that potentially pay me. I’d probably be shutting those down if they cost me 250 a month. 250 a month can buy more than it can mine at present.

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Hey everyone, @Nascimento is spending time and effort doing videos to spread the word about ETN, if you haven’t went to his youtube page and subscribed yet please do…I see he only has 24 people who have subscribed to his page, I know we have more than 24 just in this thread…


I did my part! Liked and subscribed! Even though I only speak English, it gets shared to my Twitter as well. Let’s share the ETN love any way we can :+1:t3::+1:t3: