The Fight the ETN Dump Club Here Thread

He’d certainly be nicer than a few of them haha. I enjoy it to see some of the innovative unique products they showcase on the show. Soon as I saw that app ETN popped into my head immediately.

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But that won’t happen again

Yeah , me too.
Its like a lot of commercial shows that attract audiences by appealing to them by demeaning people.
Its not in my" vocabulary"
It becomes cheap.
Good concept show though otherwise.

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I don’t condone demeaning people at all, my only appeal is the products if it’s something interesting. Sometimes they are incredibly rude and don’t treat people properly, I agree on that.

I really don’t think most watchers are attracted to the show for that bit of bad behavior. I know I’m not, that said it still in the end does help many entrepreneurs reach new heights in success. I try to always take the positive out of something if I can.


I do agree , media exposure, the right contacts and guidance…the show Is a great concept.
Ill take a closer look at that app tomorrow , looks ok.


Behold! Thanks for the reading, going through now. Many good things.
This is like a skyscraper in making. Stones adding the fundation. We still wait for the tipping point where those shitcoinsholders comes along, but sry for them, we will be already a long way up before they understands whats happening.:blush:, that just adds fuel. For now, i just think we get a steady pace of people starting grabbing some etn, because it looks good.
-me like, massive, very very soon-


Once the whole market start to recover, we’ll see a nice gain from ETN… Just Keep on hodling :smile::blush:


yup. ETN feels like an incredibly safe bet to me. A proper company with a proper vision making well considered and sensible moves to position themselves to be a world leading payment solution.

You can see ripples of people waking up to this now. It was always amazing how much hate ETN got and it’s going to take a while for those haters to be overcome with FOMO but it will happen.


Let’s hope we’ll have a XRP situation. Where so many people are hating on it but then it turns out to be the crypto with the best usecase thus far, making #2 in market cap.


In the end, greed is stronger than old nerdy principles… :blush:


Right, but the only problem are the coins available. 8,33 bilions of coin are hard to finish. The only way are some big fishes and lots and lots of plancton buyers.


For real, we need a 50 millions or upper in volume per day

Let’s see what the day brings, after yesterday the markets seem to be getting ready for a climb out of the mud. As always announcements will happen when they do, our job is to stay focused and maintain the interest levels. I love most of the threads and it’s great to see interaction from all over the world… some great thoughts and plenty of humour. Keep it up gang… your all doing a great job.


Keep momentum going we look forward it.


But not so fast like HITbtc :smiley: very very soon takes just 10 months :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
I have funny day and enjoy to be here so laught with me :smiley: :smiley:
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


lol M-Kid would smack you for saying that if he were here :laughing:

hope the announcement will come this year…

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We need grow slow but steadily not pump and dump coin. :wink: Hitbtc come in right moment i think :slight_smile:



Good morning team ! We have many eyes on us because of the progress we are making! let’s hope Electroneum has something great to announce today and we will bring a wave! Awesome to see our foundation laid and we are ready to build some walls! I’m proud to be apart of the Electroneum community ! Have a great day collecting ! This is our time!


This is only for you as a VIP membres here. Tomorrow exactly this excel have 1 year. I make inside some tour via my twitter top tweets. Have a look inside and let me know what you think and how you like it. :wink: