The ETN Help a person in Need Challenge

Just as Crypto doesn’t need a middle man, neither does charity now.

It’s not just people in developing countries that need a helping hand. There are plenty in our own towns and cities.

Here is the challenge:
Throw your ETN merch on and head out to your nearest city. Find a homeless person or someone in need. Have a chat and if you connect with them, help them download the app and donate some ETN. Teach them how to mine and explain that it’s not worth much now but if they hold onto it, it will greatly grow in value.

Some of these people may not have a smart phone. If you have an old one lying around consider giving it away. Once the M1 comes out in our countries, we could make that our next challenge; find someone in need to give one to.

I love the idea of being able to help those in our own backyard.

I’ll be heading out in the next couple of weeks to find someone. I’ll keep you posted. If you’re into this challenge, comment below and we can share our stories.


I have been doing this thank you for posting


Brilliant @Tanwax great to hear :sunglasses::+1: