The ETN Fomosapien Rocket To Mars’ Moons Club. Vol2; It’s all about the Gig


I do not have all the answers, but I suspect this will be covered under the Terms and Conditions, similar to what ebay, fiverr, upwork and others have in place. The system will be on the lookout for the fraudulent and suspicious activities. If you are planning on being a “freelancer” it would make no sense to risk the account suspension over the coins purchase.



Libra won’t affect ETN IMO…FB and Libra Have a Lot of Issues…! Trust being One of them…:wink::wink::zipper_mouth_face:


100% man…too many issues

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Almost makes you wonder if they knew they’d never be allowed to launch and it was just a coordinated effort to bring more politcal, FED and banking focus on crypto …giving regulators and lawmakers an excuse to go after crypto a bit harder.

The list of supposed already committed node partners includes players involved that aren’t exactly jumping for joy if consumers have viable options that take a bite out of the profits those companies currently enjoy.

Just saying…


I hear you, but let’s say that you’re right and the congress/senate won’t be able to pass legislation, this would be seen as a victory by the majority of people and Libra would gain popularity as a result. just food for thought.

But they still wouldn’t have been able to lauch yet, and the US isn’t the only gov’t that has skin in the game.

Libra (Mr Marcus) is being grilled in the US senate as we speak. I don’t think libra will take off the ground.

libra have more deeper darker problems than we think , political issues biggest one just like another currency

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I think BTC moving up because of Libra being grilled and hoping libra will never take off :slight_smile:

I think you are right - I just went through the hearing on youtube…

Only fools with delusions of grandeur would think they could threaten the status of the USD as the worlds reserve currency and get away with it. So I’m thinking that other hidden motivations were behind all this silliness. FB had to know that becaue of their size and user numbers it wouldn’t be feasible to be allowed to create their own alternative currency.

These are just my opinions and I could be totally off base, but the people behind the power of the USD don’t give up that power easily, again my opinion.

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why are people assuming that facebook wanted to usurp the dollar? maybe he just thought he needed to create Libra just to “keep up with the times” or something like that. we already know he’s like that.

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and by “he” I mean Zuckerberg, obviously

Not sure I said that was his goal, just that it’s seen as a threat…or a potential threat. Doesn’t even have to be a real threat, if it’s seen as a potential threat that in any way could weaken the strength (value) of the USD then it’s a threat.

All my opinion, not stating this as fact.

He could have just got swept up in the excitement and saw an opportunity to cash in, and maybe the node partners saw a way to capitalize on a market that was/is poised to take a big bite out of their profits.

Who knows.

Either way, I doubt Paypal, MC, Visa ect would cry if crypto in general became over regulated and a real pain in the butt sphere to navigate for the average consumer or business.

As if those entities would shed a tear if consumers and businesses didn’t have better cheaper, options.

As if those businesses aren’t smart enough to figure out…can’t join 'em, can’t compete with them, then destroy them…just do it…find a way.

How do you find a way, become a threat.

Because if you are a threat, then maybe they will see other crypto as a threat.

Either way…you win. Either you are allowed to create an alternate global currency and you can make some profits and join the competition or you can plant the idea that crypto and alternate digital currencies are a threat.


Sort of evil genius, kind of selfish.

Either way FB and their potential node partners lose nothing. They get their way or they plant a seed.

My guess is the seed is just a common weed that can be overcame.

And FB isn’t going to be allowed to create a global alternative currency


I can’t see social media and bank/crypto can work together. Social media is so powerful that it needs to be limited in some ways. When i say limited i mean in a way to protect the user from being miss leaded or in anyway missed used from companies. The user needs to keep the free mind and self integrity by not being to much brain manipulated. I just want to protect the user. How to do it i have no clue, but all my alarm bells go loud when Facebook and money are in the same sentence. We need to think now for the next 10 years and not what is possible right now. I might be concerned without no reason …


Did anyone see this

Apparently they are a top up provider that accepts ETN for Airtel, Aircel, airtel digital tv and dish tv.

Since there hasn’t been a big announcement I’m assuming it’s a small provider? Found someone posting it on FB.


yep there was already a thread about it

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So after thinking about it a little bit, the way gigfair is working with Visa card purchases, and going away from using ETN to purchase gigs, has a far larger benefit than most of us have realized. That’s, simply put, KYC/AML. Since the credit card company has already ‘vetted’ the user, there is no need for Electroneum to do it again. What I mean is quite simple; since the purchaser now is no longer required to purchase and hold ETN to use for purchasing gigs, there is no longer a need for them to create an Electroneum account, thus cutting out the massive overhead that would turn users away. They have instead made it very simple for the purchaser to use, and very fast for them to jump into the ecosystem.

There is a downside to this, however; less of them will be compelled to join into the Electroneum ecosystem. However, on the other hand, this will greatly increase currency flow around the globe, and increase and drive user numbers to the gigfair site in the first place. In the process of doing so, they will gain brand recognition, and pique the interests of many. It will reach more people in the long run, which is obviously where Richard Ells excels at.

Just some food for thought.


Someone buying a gig on gigfair will essentially have the same affect as someone buying ETN from an exchange, right? I assume we’re talking about what will drive the price up…


Similar effect to exchange purchases, yes. However, I wasn’t talking about price at all. I’ve started to ignore the price, as I know that will eventually catch up. Kinda pointless stressing about things outside our control.