Listing on instant crypto exchange coming soon; New airtime providers to drive down costs for users

We are delighted to share our second company update packed with news from many of our Electroneum teammates

Electroneum CEO Richard Ells has been very busy with back-to-back daily meetings from about 7:00 am to midnight due to the time zone differences with many of the people he’s speaking with on various topics.

Richard Ells took care of the interview with IBTimes covering a wide variety of subjects, including TaskSchool, collaboration agreements, and regulatory compliance. We shall see more countries with electricity top-ups this year. He added that earning ETN is now at the heart of the project as it shows more real world adoption.

And speaking of IBTimes, they published another article based on an interview with renowned writer, journalist, speaker, blockchain, and crypto advocate Jillian Godsil. She speaks highly of AnyTask, so if you have not read it yet, please click here.

Expanding the AnyTask marketing campaign

On the topic of AnyTask, Corporate Marketing Manager Tanya Hardie revealed a new feature to help buyers better understand their performance, based on deliverability stats.

These will ensure that freelancers on AnyTask stand out from those who do not perform as well and take too long to respond to buyers’ purchases or information requests.

“Improving the AnyTask freelance platform is an ongoing priority for us at Electroneum,” she explained. “Increasing the number of buyers is also a top priority. In this regard, we have launched a new series of marketing campaigns to split test which are the most effective.”

Head of Business Development Nigel Pooley revealed he held conversations with several airtime providers from around the world intending to drive down the costs of mobile airtime and data for the millions of Electroneum app users. Integrations of these new providers are in the process and shall be made public in the coming weeks.

Electroneum’s Head of Corporate Chris Norris said that in the next couple of weeks, ETN would list on a very popular instant crypto exchange with millions of users.

“An instant crypto exchange is different than custodial trading exchanges such as Binance, Kucoin, Houbi, and so on,” explained Chris Norris. “The instant exchange aggregates prices and liquidity from multiple custodial trading exchanges and usually have a lighter registration process and improved user experience. However, you will not see these types of exchanges on CoinMarketCap’s list of top exchanges.”

A blockchain update

Our Head of Blockchain Chris Harrison said his team is looking at potential compatibility issues with newer Debian packages on all releases.

“We’re also fixing an issue that users were having with MacOS binaries, and continuing with the onboarding process with CoinDCX, one of the largest Indian crypto exchanges,” he said. “And we are brainstorming decentralized approaches to BFT which reward users for participation in the network.”

Brand new adverts for AnyTask

Lead Graphic Designer Lucy Kierans and Social Media Manager Stefan Murphy are currently designing brand new adverts for AnyTask.

“This next campaign will be concentrating on our biggest buyer markets, as well as our most popular tasks,” said Stefan. “After an in-depth analysis of our ongoing campaign, we are now focused on sectors and countries that have returned better results, such as the US and the UK.”

Lucy Kierans said, “we’re just about to put live a new round of Electroneum ads focussing on the various features of Electroneum. These will likely go live by Monday of next week. These ads focus on our stats, electricity top-ups, mobile top-ups for now, and then branching into new areas later down the line.”

Upskilling team members

Lucy Kierans and our Junior Creative Sabrina Ford have recently successfully attended After Effects animation courses to contribute to the output of animation across our social media and advertising platforms.

“I attended a two-day course with Media Training LTD,” said Sabrina. “And Lucy attended a three-day course with the University of Arts London.”

Lucy said their new skills would enrich the quality of the graphics and videos they create across all the Electroneum brands.

Barry Last, the Head of Tech Development, has also upskilled by becoming an AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional.

Those who get the certification means they have a vast understanding of implementing continuous delivery systems and methodologies on the Amazon Web Services Cloud. They have demonstrated the ability to automate resilient applications and infrastructure deployments using AWS services. And they are also able to enforce policies, implement automated monitoring, and configure event management of an environment.

“I now have both AWS professional certifications as I had previously acquired the Solutions Architect certification,” he added.

Many other Electroneum team members have updates for the community as the entire team is intensely working in their relevant areas to ensure we continue harvesting successes.

Lastly, we have delayed Richard Ells’ Q&A due solely to time constraints.


Thank you Oliver you are a great asset to the team. :smiley:


Many thanks Olivier, these updates are very much appreciated by our great community.


Great, thx for the update. Have a great weekend.


Thanks Olivier, all good stuff. :+1:


Good News Friday returns! :grin:


Thank you for your time and effort, in keeping us up to date.


Cheers for update… have a nice weekend! Stay safe :rocket:


thankyou again for the update @Olivier, its been very well received in the community.

we all know your busy so to add this to your already busy schedule just shows how dedicated you are …

many many thanks


That was a great update and it shows that ETN is the most forward thinking team out there


Excellent news and I would just like to thank you and the awesome team for everything you do and all your hard work.
I’m so proud to be a part of this project.


Okex exchange just announced they are starting up in India. Can ETN get listed with them as a way into India?