Etn-sc not connecting to peers


I did the migration with the CLI, then I downloaded the etn-sc source and compiled all. But when running etn-sc I see it cannot connect to peers. I even tried adding a peer manually and nothing. Is there a list of peers available?
My log:
INFO [02-25|18:44:15.619] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=1 static=0
INFO [02-25|18:44:35.620] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=1 static=0
INFO [02-25|18:46:32.172] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=0 static=1
INFO [02-25|18:46:49.178] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=0 static=1
INFO [02-25|18:47:04.179] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=1 static=1
INFO [02-25|18:47:21.959] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=2 static=1
INFO [02-25|18:47:44.687] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=1 static=1
INFO [02-25|18:48:01.205] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=0 static=1
INFO [02-25|18:48:16.207] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=1 static=1
INFO [02-25|18:48:36.206] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=2 static=1
INFO [02-25|18:48:58.711] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=1 static=1
INFO [02-25|18:49:15.237] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=0 static=1
INFO [02-25|18:49:25.753] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=0 static=1
INFO [02-25|18:49:37.732] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=3 static=1
INFO [02-25|18:49:50.237] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=0 static=1
INFO [02-25|18:50:12.732] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=1 static=1
INFO [02-25|18:50:29.778] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=0 static=1
INFO [02-25|18:50:40.294] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=0 static=1
INFO [02-25|18:50:51.754] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=3 static=1
INFO [02-25|18:51:04.778] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=0 static=1
INFO [02-25|18:51:26.754] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=1 static=1
INFO [02-25|18:51:43.814] Looking for peers peercount=0 tried=0 static=1

And on the console I do: admin.peers and always get an empty list
So what could be the problem for etn-sc not syncing?


I sync this way:
electroneum-wallet-cli.exe --daemon-address=


Hi, but I am on the new Smart Chain. Maybe it is not ready to work yet. (etn-sc)

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ok. sorry, my misunderstanding

I could be wrong but I don’t think the new blockchain is a go.

What I do understand is you want to get the latest release of the current blockchain named Electroneum Flow, tagged v5.0.0.2. Once the migration block hits and your open wallet syncs to the migration block, it will automatically kickoff the migration process for you.

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Yes, maybe the etn-sc is not launched yet. I got the v5.0.0.2 and found the migration transaction, so I should be all set when the SmartChain launches. Thank you all.