ETN Rocket to Mars FOMO Club

Patent pending status won’t limit the company from pursuing their milestones. It in fact does prohibit competitors from stealing the technology in pending status unless it gets rejected say after 4 years.


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So I was thinking earlier about the gig site, could a gig be to acquire Etn and send to purchaser of the gigs wallet for a small transaction fee?


Possibly unless ETN is required by money transfer laws to forbid their site being used in such a way. Making it basically a pseudo exchange if allowed to occur.

So my guess is no, and it will be in the TOS that it is not allowed or face account termination.

Now having said that, that’s just my wild guess on the matter and I could be totally wrong. But who knows, with KYC/AML in place for both buyer and seller, and the fact that at some point ETN is going to be required to aquire some licensing if they want to operate in certain countries…heck it might just be possible.

Maybe not right when the site is launched.

I’m not knocking the idea, just don’t know if it’s legally allowed.

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Yeah that’s kind of what I was thinking, I’m not completely sure the logistics of it I just thought of it earlier at work. Hopefully fiat to Etn in app threw a third party is coming soon and we don’t need to worry about it :+1: The fact that gigs are paid in Etn are good enough for me :zap:

It’s getting late here but I’ve got another thought I want to run by you I’ll p.m you tomorrow have a good one :clap:


It’s actually quite a good idea for a use case. But the laws vary so much from country to country regarding money transfers and exchanges and then some don’t care and have no laws. Their lawyers will have a fun time figuring that one out and where they can allow it and where they can’t.

Becaus that’s not even just a straight up cross border remittance transfer, it involves exchanging fiat for a crypto/digital assest and paying a fee for the service.

I’m not an expert, just how I see it. Fine here and there, not cool over there and there and there or there.
Like the USA isn’t too friendly for that sort of thing.


Yup I’m in the US there would need to be a few T’s crossed here but let’s say South Africa, in some sense becoming an agent for others in South Africa not willing to go through the process of exchanges. Of course this would be restricted to countries it’s allowed in.


But then there is that 3rd party provider who may have the required licensing and comply with regulations and you just buy ETN in app or on the gig site through them. But not allowed the way you described.

If that makes sense, we talked about it kind of the other day on here, the 3rd party provider and in app purchasing of ETN. OTC desk blah blah blah.

Heck these things take days and months for experts and lawyers to figure out what is possible and what isn’t when you are talking globally.

So we aren’t going to nail it exactly, or we are in the wrong professions and are way underpaid.


Yep and that’s actually common when you go to one of the online money transfer (remittance) sites.

They have a menu of some sort to check what country you can send to and from what country through their service. And it’s never every country on the planet, not even close.


Going through a third party with licensing seems the logical solution to me, until they acquire their own licences. Yeah I’m not even going to try and act like a lawyer haha :joy:


I personally think that everywhere ETN launches a partner and creates use cases, at least one if not multiple enterprising individuals or person or a business with the ability to pull if off will set up fiat in and out for ETN services.

I’ve said all along that the existing networks of shops, agents and vendors that currently pay out remittance transfers for all the other money transfer services will get involved in ETN remittance too and provide the ability to buy/sell …send/receive and all possible methods of use of ETN transfers.

You don’t have ETN but want to send it to someone, walk into the shop with a laminated card that has their QRC code on it (if you send to them often) and pay for the send…on the other end the receiver walks into their local shop and converts it to fiat or once lots of use cases exist to buy goods and services or pay bills, they just use the ETN they received.

So many possibilities on how it is acquired and sent and how it is received , spent or converted.

Maybe the agent sends it agent to agent if the sender chose that the receiver would prefer to be paid in fiat. Then they just do the normal payout in local fiat after the receiver produces some ID.

Lol, too many possible scenarios to write about, so many different variations of initiating the transfer and receiving it and the preferred methods involved for both the sender and receiver. Plus so many possible middle man or end payouts options.

And of course there’s always direct user to user mobile wallet if the sender has ETN already.

It’s awesome the flexibility involved.

ATM’s for cash out or buying.

I better stop.


I agree. I find it easy to imagine that people will get in on the gateway part. Check cashing places likewise may get involved in paying their customers in ETN. With the instant notifications already in place it seems like an easy extension to their business model.


No doubt…

This mornings stats

Have a good one



can we stop discuss libra on FoMo thread here ? im fell this not right haha sorry if im offended people here


You are right, let us forget about useless projects, we have best one to stay focused on, for example, I have done nice transaction on Liquid using a debit card, I must say it was very slick, easy and instant purchase with a debit card, directly euro to ETN :grinning:

another 100K in my :moneybag::moneybag::moneybag:


Everyone who want to discuss Libra there is open threat on this topic


If we want to se 5 cents, currently this mean we should have 480M market cap. And it puts us on 26 place on CMC. So we must manage our expectations. We are 425M short :slight_smile:


Hello @ETNCEO, we badly need a youtube update to get the ETN momentum going in regards to Libra and ETN. There are lot of rumors going on in Facebook, Reddit and Tweeter.

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There is no need to panic. ETN would have seen this coming and will act accordingly. I don’t think it changes much. We can’t expect them to pander to us every time a bit of news that comes out and reassure us. They are busy delivering on their promises and they just stated we will be live in 20 countries within 6 months.