ETN Rocket to Mars FOMO Club


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I wouldn’t worry about FB, that will flop hard if you ask me. Facebook has lost almost all credibility due to criminal activity and grossly abusing user data & privacy. The younger generation is having a mass exodus there already and I feel it’s inevitable Facebook will go the way of Myspace and die off.

It has a record low for user trust right now, I wouldn’t touch a FB coin ever. They are in so much legal trouble right now it’s not even funny and there’s not way in my opinion they’ll be around for the long haul with everything that’s happened since Cambridge Analytica. Since then new instances are popping up regularly with the gross abuse from FB.

Honestly I don’t even see them as competition, 3 crypto companies turned them down due to privacy concerns too. The one good thing that will come of it is as @Cosmicrypto said, it will get more people looking into crypto and that’s a net positive.


Not worried about FB coin. Would you rather buy something that can increase in value, or something that stays the same price. It will be good for getting the public aware of crypto, and I think that benefits us in the long run. I also think that there will be multiple players in this market, and that FB fee structure will be a deterrent for many. We will take enough of the market share to be a success IMO. In fact, I think there will be multiple projects that aim for this market that survive and/or thrive.


If Suckerberg cared so much about people then every FB account would instantly have a wallet created and their account monetised. Bang, instant mass adoption. Is that what he is doing? I started to watch an ‘informational’ video but just couldn’t finish it. I don’t even see it as competition. As mentioned above by Cos And J5 it’s great it will open people’s minds to crypto but I really don’t rate it. In fact do you remember when you could buy cards in supermarkets to spend on Facebook? Was it Zynga or something? What happened to that? Anyway. Good luck to them. I know which basket my eggs are in. :metal::rocket::first_quarter_moon_with_face:


They know how much money you got. they know you’re lifestyle, they know what you eat and the people you spend time with. They will be the best credit rating company in the world, they will price you’re insurance so you loose regardless, and so on


Just got off work, time to hit the exchanges :+1::facepunch: :fire:

Hope everyone is having a good day :wave:

We Are Electroneum :zap:
:bow_and_arrow: :bow_and_arrow: :bow_and_arrow:


Most likely it will get fudded on super hard, actually providing its own worldwide platform for use of the fudsters, the fud we got will be nothing compared to it. I’m not suggesting we all go and fud the FB coin, that would be very naughty, but we will have a super opportunity as a community to engage in the many crypto discussions that will follow and kindly point out the merits of ETN.


understanding fudster is simple , they just care about price . when price hig fudster remaining silence


I’m not going to stamp on the coin, I can’t be bothered. Projects survive on their own merit. I shall simply ignore it. Good luck to them along with all the other coins that aren’t ETN.


I didn’t suggest stamping on it, I suggested using the crypto interest that will be created on the platform to promote interest in ETN.


Yeah, I read that. Just my thoughts. No fud from me. I have no desire to shill ETN on other forums/topics either. Electroneum are on FB anyway.

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I won’t be either, I’m not even on Facebook, but just thinking how some of us are already promoting ETN on social media, there will be an opportunity to do so even more. Call it fudding or call it shilling if you want, I just call it doing what we are already doing but more. Up to the individuals of course.


Well, I would say you are more than doing your bit by accepting payment in ETN with your eBay thing. Everyone is doing their bit one way or another. :+1:t3:


I live in a retirement town. Put ETN logos on my work truck, but the old timers don’t have a clue what it is. Keep hoping someone will recognise it and call us up!

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Omg… just add to my bags next 107k haha


Just submitted a buy order on Liquid for another 28000 ETN…I hope.
Patience is key.
Will we keep going up? Or is this just another pump…that will settle down…I am waiting for the settle down…and HOPE I don’t miss out.


For the sake of fractions of pence is it worth risking missing out?


I think I am ready for :rocket::rocket::rocket: if we go high one day I will be all right…:wink:


Same boat. Trying not to cave and buy close to market price lol.

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