ETN Rocket to Mars FOMO Club

Did you notice the new website when it was launched. Took a while to spell check that. :slight_smile:

But this is just a single page diagram. Id be surprised if that came from the Electroneum team

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Actually® is their registered trade name. Otherwise it would just be freelancer. I guess freelancer is just a freelancer. Hard to take legal issue with a word in common use. :slight_smile: or maybe it’s a deal soon… :slight_smile:

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Then why did msystem accuse phergoph of abusing some sort of trust? And deleting it ?

Sounds like it came from the team to me…

You’re right, that is a difficult one but I think in the context in which it’s written, it does add confusion and a good legal team could make it difficult for Electroneum

etn have better legal counsel. :wink:

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It’s amazing the volume of supposed ETN supporters that can’t grasp the purpose of the cloud miner.


Just waiting on thermal pads arriving and I will sign up to this :+1:

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“Charity coin” and not only that but a “Dead charity coin” :roll_eyes:


Cloud mining is now verry verry fast! Thanks team!


IThe cloud mining speed, can that be a result of the low price?

Yeah, gotta love those Reddit FUD trolls. It’s amazing how much time those guys have to hang around Reddit bashing on ETN. I mean they are all crypto experts, shouldn’t they be busy trading all their amazing hodings? Ya know, being the crypto experts that they are and all.


yup the difference is real my cloud getting faster than light haha

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I’m pretty sure if I was a self proclaimed crypto expert with vast knowledge about what coins are the best and which suck, I wouldn’t be spending my time bashing a coin I could care less about. I’d have at least 5 screens running, a bunch of bots and be glued to the trading action. pocketing my profits with my amazing insight and skills. If I was an amazing crypto expert with god like powers which, sadly I am not.


I know right? The purpose of the cloud miner is to promote etn, encourage new users and mass adoption. People do seem to find it hard to grasp. It has to do what it says on the tin. :slight_smile:

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No its just a realisation that it was being throttled too much. to the extent where it was detrimental to the purpose of the cloud miner. :slight_smile:


Most people are driven to get rich quick. They want a fast and easy profit. Anything worth having is worth working for, and ETN is working hard to produce and grow and viable and valuable product/service. Those who are patient will be rewarded the most.


I want it to…but it is not often in the real world


So this is new…



The time traveler told him to make it.

If you build it, John, they will come! :slight_smile: