ETN Rocket to Mars FOMO Club

Old thread from @PHXInvestors

Let's Vote About The future Price Of ETN Within 2 Years!

Just voted :joy::joy::joy:


Damm @JonneHex

This shouldn’t happen . People shouldn’t be afraid to speak out for whatever reason.
Help is always around the corner.
Hope she didn’t manage to complete her mission and finds a way to move forward…

Sending love from the u.k

One life



Mine says 4.0.3 and checking for updates - no ETN update.

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Hardware, software, or both?


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BTC dom is 60%. I recall the last time BTC had this much dom was right before the 2017 pump.

I would not be surprised to see that again sometime.


Shiiiiot, how can change vote? :slight_smile:

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What will be the best performing altcoin in2019? and what is the price?

  • Electroneum 5.1$
  • Electroneum 5.10$
  • Electroneum 5.1000001$

0 voters


I help you with a new pol

This is the site I was looking for the other day. Supposedly this is the legit 24 volumes and not fake reported volume cheers/:wink:

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UPbit on Twitter

May have been posted but here it is. Vote for ETN they want to know who they should list next.



Press hide results …
I could uncheck my choice and revote






As i have seen this is not the official account for upbit.

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Haha, damn it I moved to your club, and then realised you jumped to the kid club. :slight_smile:

Where the hell is everybody are you just eyes glued to the screen on bitcoin Bull Run or what the hell is going on. Have you all sold your electroneum and given up?

I have not given up I bought some more today. And I’ll probably buy some more tomorrow. And I’ll probably keep buying it until it goes up significantly.


I have little buying power right now. :frowning: lol


Okay so it’s getting kind of scary out there in cryptoland. Now is the time for those of us who truly believe in electroneum to continue believing even when it seems really dark. It seems sometimes like we’re headed into nothingness, then I remind myself that we are not like the rest of crypto nonsense speculative investors.

This is where your trust in Richard Ells and Chris Gorman are put to the test. Do we really trust the team? Of course we do because the team is not trying to be a bunch of total crypto Geeks and see who can be the most technical because that gets nobody anything.

No I certainly believe in the team. And I do believe what they’re doing will take more time.

Now from a slightly different perspective I have been doing a lot of investigating probably like the rest of you into what the hell is happening with the alt coins and electroneum seems to be going the opposite direction while Bitcoin is going up.

From what I can gather Bitcoin dominance was strong as we began to move up before in 2017. I think once people start taking some profits they may want to come back to those projects in which believe because they have some extra money to invest.

I’m just wishing I had more Bitcoin profits happening because I have taken all of the Bitcoin like a freaking addict and spent it on as much electroneum as I can snort up my nose to make myself feel better about the hodling.

Well live and learn so far I am about 2 years into crypto… And I’ve learned so much yet whoever really knows how to read the markets? I seriously hope that we see a reinvestment in altcoins based on their Merit.


We are not far from THE GREAT FLIPPENING OF ETN. I’m still very confident in Electroneum. The team knows what’s coming, they are clearly not rattled by the current price. Let the fools drop their knives and expect them to stick to the floor. ETN’s floor is made of rubber.


When the block reward levels out and that collides with the fundamentals, we will see fireworks. :+1: