ETN Rocket to Mars FOMO Club

Can you explain more about it ?

Ok , so its simple, download our game, share it with 10 people, you will get 10 reward points, you redeem it against electroneum, you will get 100 ETN against those points in 48 hours.


But you have to get 10 people signed up within 48 hours to be able to redeem 100etn. Hmmm

Will get your reward after 48hours lol

no no, you will get ETN in 48 hours once you redeem the points

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Ima og so hodl rocket for me… :slight_smile:

Noone is coming out and saying: “Hey, looks like AlgoZ doesnt exactly hold price down” after the last pump. Lol


I saw some…

As much as the doom and gloom we saw? Lol

They have stopped the payouts, after bad mouthing about us, but no one complained when they stopped

Yes I remember they got scammed out of some etn, I do feel sorry for them. But their back up and running now… :slight_smile:

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wow we can us BTC on Amazon… But not really, this is a halfway half thru trading, Wonder how long it will take before it is getting stopped for not using KYC/AML, fore me it looks like a holy way to white wash money

If they are complying with regulations please enlighten me


Hey guys big news…

BTC wil hit 5500 before it hits 6000! Fact.



Well you need an account to buy. Maybe.

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And another teaser for next month…these little hints are too intriguing!


I wonder if it’s the subscription service!!??
I hope it is as I’m waiting for that before I launch my site.

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There are a lot of things that are still on the list for the Vendor/Instant Payment API that Uncle Rich has talked about that still aren’t out. If any of them come out this week with the “huge app update” that would be amazing


We know 60 second on boarding is being worked on. Maybe it’s almost ready :thinking: