ETN Fomo Moonwalk Club

Absof*ckinglutely right…!!..Its ALL about that…:wink::wink::+1:


Remember when we blazed up the ranks in september?? It’s gonna happen again soon :+1:


Yea, wonder when @Pahini is back from holiday?

Nope, i was reluctant to point this out earlier. To suggest it shows massive lack of understanding on how things work but im leaving it be.

Whats your damn problem. Ah, it exist a cheap phone, not for sale here, or most other places. Congratz. Why the hell aint you selling your bag and fokk off?
Keep into the telegram for poor whiners.


I’m not trying to stir up anything I’m just trying to understand why you think Electroneum would supply algoz with a abundance of coins? Algoz is a market maker and a liquidity provider. That’s why they partnered, I don’t personally think Electroneum would need to supply them with the coins. Algoz are not just starting out they provide liquidity, they don’t need to ask for supply to do this. It is possible I suppose, possibly they used some ico funds to sign the deal, I agree we don’t know and I guess it would be nice to hear the exact deal. But I don’t think they need to disclose that I do not think they are dipping into the supply liked you implied. I just don’t understand why you think that’s the case.
Algoz also provides otc and those transactions would be on the blockchain but not the exchanges.


SF only has 10% left now so he will be 90% poorer in future, guaranteed! :money_mouth_face:


Why does it say professor under your name? I’m guessing it’s a mistake. :slight_smile:

That’s great news isn’t it SF, that guy selling stuff for ETN from his little tent in South Africa?


What truth?..

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Nothing to see here.

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Yeah, i know you are a coin hopper, but whats the deal?
Yes, it exist other burgers than mcDonalds…
I dont see a point. With your logic, Apple should have big trouble selling phones at all…

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Yes, of course, they all live in the jungle there don’t they, with wild animals and throw spears at each other. How could we have been so stupid? :lying_face:

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Can I have your last 10%?


Your so stupid u dont understand that even… are you 17?
I know one on forum here that show more grown talent than your untalented trading fud. Lolish

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Have you been talking to Prince Phillip Pete! :joy:

Missing you already. Don’t be a stranger. :kissing_heart:


Jeje, up yours!
Back to fudogram now, ratty

No, I think SF has been though, or what if maybe SF is actually Prince Philip?

“ETN, looks like it’s been made by an Indian!”

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Hey @LordSF95 nice to see ya around :wave: stay well :+1: we’ll see you again soon :zap:

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