ETN Fomo Moonwalk Club

This is like living within the best suspense series ever created.
Watching and reading into all the little clues to guess what’s coming next :face_with_monocle:

Storyline 1 month recap:
What? You can now buy data and air time in South Africa via ETN app? :dizzy_face:
Plot twist, they’ve launched a mobile phone :scream_cat::scream_cat::scream_cat: did not see that coming.
Oh yeah and the plot thickens, “we just thought we’d show you we also have the tech to enable the purchase of products from a vending machine with ETN. And you can purchase from anywhere in the world and it is released instantly”.
And the storyline just keeps getting better and better :grin::popcorn:


For all those who think progress at ETN is slow.

Progress has little to do with speed , and much to do with direction.




When looking at the market around watergate scandal it is easy to think it is similar to dayit is posibole to read about it here The Financial crisis in 2019

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Thats a dumb fokking advice, sry. But some stocks will be fantastic next 5years. Trust me, and not a fool.
But buy both.


If there will be the big Market crash, I wonder all the time, how it will effect mine/our lives…

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I think he just means US companies listed.

All stocks never crash. Its alot goodies even in shait times. Thats why stocks is ok, in crypto all is crashing due to one. Because its still only a game.
3bab. Anyway, thats a fool advice.


Yeah, but in year 2006 the crash effected all…

A bit here, but not mutch.
Lucky times, if you bought then, you made alot money now. Dont compare stocks, and crypto. In a stock you can actually sit and own a share and have 10% paid out in owner payouts, thats the value.
But yeah, US stocks is mainly overpumped and overvalued in what the real value is…

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In the last recession I owned no stocks or crypto, but I had multiple clients cancel landscape installations (my business) We still had lots to do because we are established, but it was 2 years before the big money jobs started rolling in again. It was the first time that I realised that the stock market DOES affect my business, at least on the landscaping side of things. In the maintenance arena, there is always work.


Mr.postmans been


You got yours @Magic

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3 posts :point_up:

Quite impressive …

I love the blue


Quiet week. Except price whiners in telegram. Alot of them is hopping coins, so they aint really Etn supporters.
Though, im sensing some unpatience from my apprentices too, its the banked thats negging. Not the unbanked.


Is Richard back to the office from his meetings? The team has been hard at work since mwc we have barely heard an update which imo is a good thing! We will start hearing soon when they are ready. There are so many updates coming. The bear market has caused this impatience Imo everyone wants things to pick up and when something else starts moving they compare and speculate on price. We need to give them the time needed to complete the things at hand. The ecosystem is coming together patience is key. Either way others complaining doesn’t matter to me it gives me another chance to cost average.
It’s only a matter of time I wouldn’t be surprised if we started hearing updates next week with Richards return. I’m not bothered with others impatience if they don’t understand and have weak hands that’s when I get greedy. Those whiners are really going to be whining when things start picking up and they miss the train. This is a true test of patience, do you believe the team is working hard to deliver or falling behind, don’t be fooled, more is coming just around the corner. There will always be whiners.


Tell the telegramers next time don’t mess with the iot machine :joy: Payback is a true test of patience and belief in the project, let them sell, we know what is coming.

Perhaps not so funny now?:joy:
I’m not saying this is why but this is what I would do? The anticipation is building :drum: :drum: :drum: :fireworks: :zap:


Only 11 Electroneum m1’s left on Amazonuk


How many M1 smartphones were sold?


Im not sure … We still haven’t had a official announcement from team about the launch of m1 on Amazon.

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