ETN Fomo Moonwalk Club

The unbanked will get more coins Off trading, the more banked or those with more resources will set up possibilities for trading out ETN in fiat. Only here in norway, i have sold about 800thousand ETN for friends that dont want the hassle, lazy, or just find it difficult to read up, doing coinbase, regging.
Also Btc i have fixed. :sunglasses:
Setting up a private trade desk with some small profit, is gonna happen.
There you got the way coins will be going out.
A private person in norway is the one with the biggest numbers of cash into Btc, traded in for no hassle people. Off exchange


Done the same, but alot lower numbers :slight_smile:


We just need time. A seed takes time to grow. ETN has already accomplished so much in a very short time. I am waiting for the M1 to be available on Amazon. This will be a great phone for my daughter. Once the phones get out into the ecosystem, and the gig site is up, it will be cupcakes and rainbows again.




You make no sense, you think they are doing things all wrong, but yet you invest more?

They have been talking about bringing digital payments to the unbanked via mobile partners for quite some time, actually not long after ICO.

Those with little to no options to transact digitally is the route to market that ETN chose, not trying to convince people who have multiple ways to pay digitally. They chose Mobile operators as intial partners for obvious reasons.

I strongly disagree with you and think they are doing almost everything right.

In fact I can’t remember ever really agreeing with anything you’ve said regarding ETN since you started talking nonsense on Reddit after ICO.


Glad i purchased more at 143 sats last night !!


Everytime there is a dip in price, some people start shaking with fear, doubting the Team and generally spreading fear amongst the community. There is no need, just be patient and watch the charts. If you do want to sell, give me a shout as I will glady take them off your hands.


Morning everyone.

Wow, this thread turned ugly overnight.:rofl:



That will be a very interesting factor selling it on Amazon, especially if every Amazon store.

I’m pretty sure he said Amazon in SA, not world wide Amazon store.
At least at first maybe that’s the plan.

Maybe has something to do with regional manufacturing.

I thought that’s what I heard in his video, something along those lines, but not 100% sure. So maybe I made that up heh.

Happy for all the dumpsters yesterday that are crying today :))

I couldnt catch extra cheap ETN, but I hope somebody here did :)) :+1::+1:


You know it man. Dumped right into my pocket. :joy::grin:


Happy for you mate! :))

how’s everybody today?:slight_smile:

I am so busy lately…


Imagine price today went to 2 cents. Everyone would suddenly be praising the team and their moves. Jeez. It just makes me feel some type of way. Lol


You hit the nail on the head Brother.


Price is not indicative of the project at this moment.


Its really funny how many people are quick to jump ship. If you look at the history of ETN it would honestly take one big investor in this project and the price would absolutely sore. Look at the history during the bull run. 5-10 million invested would make ETN move very fast. I truly think that is why Richard is not concerned about the price ever.


Our beloved price will come with time :slight_smile: lets be patient, the team is doing brilliant job :slight_smile:


@purkiss80 I seen you have a birthday :)) happy birthday to you! :))


M-System reacted yesterday in the Telegram Electroneum Future Group with the following message. Chin up people! We’ll get there. We just need to be more patient. We can do that! Enjoy the read!! :muscle::muscle::muscle::rocket::rocket::rocket:

M System:
Surely ETN is not BTC, but in few years no one will care about today’s price. In fact no one will care about today’s price later this year. Companies that are failures do not go to expensive trade shows, they do not develop products and sure do not work their asses off 24/7.

I’m not your savior, I am not ETN. I am committed and undeterred because there is very little that you can do right now. You can sell out at a loss, you can ride it out, or you can try to trade for more. Do not get caught with your pants down when the music stops playing. A lot of people try to sell and buy back. It works, few times and then one day it will not work.

I have not sold a single ETN, and if the price drops more, I will buy more. That makes me either the dumbest person in crypto or one of the smart ones. Let’s revisit this later this year.

But M all this good news why are we dumping? Because the network effect takes time. There are supply and demand issues as well, but it will all be resolved.

It’s funny how so many people can forget everything that ETN has achieved in what little over a year. I myself - NOT worried.

I am going to leave you with something to think about

MWC saw live projects going out into the world. HUGE amount of on the ground marketing (presence at the MWC) I know it is hard to see when you are not there, that is why I said the “network effect” takes time. It is REAL stuff – rather than promises of stuff – which is what everyone else is doing. At MWC ETN was rubbing shoulders with some of the biggest giants in the mobile and telecom industry. They went there to make the deals and to make things happened for each and every one of you. I did not see too many other crypto projects there, why? Too expensive.

I understand many of you are frustrated – but please look at the big picture. You can pay your phone bill with crypto, if this Is not history in the making then I do not know what is? There will be others that will follow suit. The unlimited is the entry point. I personally could care less if they have ETN on their website or not. They are MNO and selling the data/airtime of one of the big MVNOs

EVERYTHING, about ETN and Electroneum changes in the incoming months. It’s the culmination of two years hard work – a real, genuine use case, with real people on the ground earning money from the west and spending it. There will be a lot more things to come. You all have to agree NONE of you expected the M1.

Enjoy the rest of the week ladies and gents and play it smart, do not be that guy/gal…

#copied from Facebook