ETN Fomo Moonwalk Club

I’m gna shake it up in here… I hate the false positivity in the community sometimes, like people are over compensating for the sht state of their investment . Why don’t we all admit we are fcked off with the price, personally couldn’t give two sh*ts about the project as long as it makes me money because ultimately that’s why I invested ha or is it just me :joy:

All that being said I’m very impressed with what ETN has achieved in such a small space of time but the real lack of new investors entering ETN worries me.


I believe we have many sideline investors now and only some who are putting in New money daily or weekly. This will change over time getting new investors and fresh money. This is a numbers game. If there isn’t enough daily new money to cover mining dumps we go down. We need steady daily new money coming in to at least buy mining dumps. We are still fighting the dump imo to some extent. If we can’t collectively put together daily volume cost to handle asic dumps we are losing the war. We may win the battle one day and have a influx of new money and volume and go up. But if we do not steadily have the volume to cover mining costs daily there is a downward pressure. On top of the downward pressure we face. This is temporary and over time we will build leverage. The blockchain is 1 year old and payouts are still over 8000 every 2 minutes. This will change in time but it is all a numbers game. This is not a short term flip imo.


Why do people love ETN so much when it ain’t making anyone any money I think that’s what I don’t understand. Im a fan but I ain’t loving it till I make some money ha

And everyone saying hodl all the time, yea we’ve got no choice but to hodl unless people like making a loss which I know I don’t :joy::joy:


I’m looking at this at a purely investors point of view because that’s what I am, just trying to understand the other points of view I guess.


People are here for many different reasons. No judgement. I’m here because I see the potential in the project in the future. Beyond my investment. I keep the two separate. I see it as I’m investing in this company. I’m sure everyone also has some set aside for personal gains. But this project is much more than that to me. It can truly become mass adopted one day and will be the future preferred payment method imo. I personally am along for the ride and will contribute what I can.


Ha nice try !! Thanks for all your input guys, good to know :+1:t4:


Im going to start a new topic…
Whine & Dine .
Strictly price related…it will be dope for sure.


Include that to comment on thread if they are complaining of price they have to of bought that day. :joy:


There are always ups and downs along the way.
Imo we are around 99 to 01 on this chart. This is how those investors probably felt. But who are you, did you sell the next chance you could for % or do you believe in the future of the project.


I for one simply LOVE the vision the Electroneum team has and their execution of their plans are second to none. I also want to say that although I admire criticism and thoughtful suggestions made by the community, I see too many immature people bringing up the same complaints and 90% of these complaints deal with price. If you truly did not invest more than you can afford to lose you will not be emotionally triggered by a dip in price (especially if you invested hard earned money into a project you believe in). Other than that, crypto is a relativey free market and the ONLY advice for these people are to take their money elsewhere, into other projects they believe in. My small rant :sunglasses:


I love it when it goes up because I make money and I love it when it goes down because I can buy more. And I love the project because it’s so interesting to see what they are doing!

Of course I want to make money! I am not investing just out of the goodness of my heart, just like the team say they are not helping developing nations just out of the goodness of their hearts. They want to make money too! So, knowing that they do, and knowing they are working damn hard to achieve it keep me confident that at some point in the future the price will be higher than it is today.

How much and how long who knows?

As others have said we are at such a crucial point right now, waiting for data to start coming in from SA. If we get signs that it is being embraced by the population then we can breathe a massive sigh of relief because it means if they can do it there then they can do it in other places too! If it doesn’t catch on there then we may as well not bother.

S**t just got real as they say, no more speculation about what might happen if mass adopted if/when telecom deals go live, it’s really happened now. A little scary, eh?

Price will follow success, combined with mining dumps reducing, just a question of how long people want to hold on. You know if you dumped today it would probably moon tomorrow!

I am patient, and yes I do like the project for its own sake, not only for investment, if everyone looked at it like that they would probably be much happier with their investment than if they only looked at short term profit and loss.


I found out about electroneum way before the actual project being launch. Richard was talking to some crypto ppl on some obscure YT channel and he said that Electroneum will be a 10 years project and at the end, the price will be in the dollar range. Obv he can’t talk about price now.


He also spoke of a fork if the price got too high for every day use.


I don’t think we need a fork if the price goes up. In the electroneum app, you can virtually split etn to 1 mil parts if necessary.

They could also fork another coin for developing nations. So Etn would still be .00 and the fork coin could be .000 .0000 ?


He was discussing continued use of the 2 decimal system, as well as using a fork as a representation of another aspect of the ecosystem. (It’s been a long time since I watched that so don’t quote me, I wouldn’t know where to find the interview)


Let’s get to dollar range and we can discuss forks all day.


Let’s go to 1.5 cents so I can chill and not care either way haha.

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Like if you miss pre MWC vibes. :joy:


I still say the news was amazing. The plan is good. The markets failure to react, well, we are an enigma, always have been. Seen us pump on bad news, seen us dump on good news.