ETN Arena - Gameplay

:game_die: 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 4, 1

@ETNbot roll 1d6 for dark essence

:game_die: 6

@ETNbot roll 7d6 for my next battle (going to work now)

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @ETNbot display help.

I honestly don’t understand what you are doing here. =)
But it’s a good laugh nevertheless.

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we are playing a game where we attack monsters similar to Dungeons and dragons. We have challenges to face and try to overcome the FUD by fighting it with our heroes

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@ETNbot roll 7d6 please

:game_die: 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2

After @84cb62908bdae9b2c887 ’s attack:
Earth Elemental takes 25 damage.
25hp remaining.

1: @Saint_Crypto
2: @Thunder
3: @Kahvia
4: @Tim
5: @84cb62908bdae9b2c887

@ETNbot roll 1d5

:game_die: 3

@etnbot roll 2d6 damage to @Kahvia

:game_die: 2, 1

@Thunder, this will be your next roll but the way it’s going we’ll have to wait until the 24hr mark to use it. This Cyclops is a toughie. The Earth Elementals are gonna slow us down.

That is a miss right?

@Kahvia, minumum for a miss is two 1s and minimum for a crit is two 6s.

@Kahvia I might have misinterpreted the rules. @Saint_Crypto please clarify for me?

Not a miss. Half are not 1s

@Saint_Crypto Was one 1 and one 2. Is the (minimum 2) in the rules saying that two dice need to be rolled or that a minimum of two 1s is needed?

Worked overtime today and my brain is sorta, boiled. Yeah whatever the rules says. I’ll copy them to the docs.