Etn airx pairing and partnership

Thanks for this suggestion. I like the idea as the the Pokemon craze was phenomenal but I remember it didn’t last very long and the distribution of the coins would need to be strategic and sustained for any impact or benefit, unless it’s simply seen as an opportunity to increase awareness of the ETN brand.
With that being said, It might be worth a punt as a learning experience which could be used to better develop their own product, but it depends on where this is being targeted.

I’d be interested to know how Airx would ensure users were fully immersed and engaged in their app for extended periods, especially while the price is so low? What aspect of gamification is involved? How widely is the app distributed and how many users do they have?
What is their plan to scale up and acquire more users and what is the long term potential?

Is there any reason why Electroneum couldn’t integrate a similar feature into their app as part of the vendor directory? Seeing ETN coins floating around within proximity to places where it can be spent might be a better use of the technology. Maybe even floating coupons/discounts/deals/offers in proximity to vendors that accept ETN could be just as useful.