Electroneum's Transition to a New Smartchain: An Overview

Electroneum’s Transition to a New Smartchain: An Overview

The Electroneum Smart Chain with its IBFT consensus algorithm offers:

Advanced smart contract functionality
Lightning-fast 5-second block processing time
Incredibly low transaction fees
The potential for interoperability with various blockchain networks, broadening the horizons for integrations
A platform ripe for metaverse creation, offering potential for new and immersive decentralized virtual worlds

Within this guide

How to Migrate Choose the right migration path for you How to Migrate to the Electroneum Smart Chain?

Navigating a migration can seem complex, but we’ve made it easier by breaking down the process according to the kind of user you are. Below are the specialised guides tailored to different user scenarios:

CLI Wallet Users: If you handle your transactions and funds through the CLI Wallet, this guide is tailored for you, ensuring you understand every step of the migration.

ETN App & my.electroneum.com Users: For those who use the ETN App and/or my.electroneum.com (ETN Online Wallets), we have a guide that delves into the specifics of what this migration means for you and how to proceed.

Exchange Users: Trading on an exchange and wondering how the migration affects you? This is covered in our guide crafted for exchange users. Paper Wallet Holders: Holding a paper wallet? We understand the unique concerns you might have. Our paper wallet guide will walk you through the migration process.

New Users: If you’re just joining us or considering it, welcome! We have a guide to help you understand the migration and how you can be a part of our new Smart Chain journey.


OMFG this smart chain is so much better than anything I could have imagined :zap::zap::zap:


Amazing :heart_eyes: so happy for the team and users :smile:


So damn excited about this: