Electroneum and The Giant of Africa

This read is a follow up from a post by @user81 about “The Nigerian Soul and ETN Mass Adoption”.
I posted it in the comment section but deleted my comment because I prefer making an individual post to get more audience.
Now let’s imagine what happens if Electroneum decides to launch in the most populous Giant of Africa-Nigeria, where there is this huge thirst for accessible and affordable technology. A hub where many gigs exist but have no direct platform to utilize their skill.
Let’s not also forget our most popular local crypto markets like nairaex.com, naira4dollar.com and nairaswitch.com providing us with the easiest and fastest fiat to crypto services, and also a Kyc in place readily available to the average Nigerian person and not necessarily having to go through global exchanges and facing trading difficulties.
The average Nigerian would quickly set up Kyc on those local exchanges, trade Naira for bitcoin and store in their respective bitcoin wallets, not having to go through the difficulty of trading their bitcoins on bigger exchanges with little or no technical know how on trading.
I’m aware that there are exchanges that will accept fiat to crypto payments via PayPal and so on, but partnering with Nigeria’s local crypto markets will save us the stress of using PayPal which is not a popular thing here to get our ETN directly with fiat and depositing into our wallets.
This will be the opening of a grand opportunity for ETN’s mass adoption in Nigeria.
@chris.gorman and @ETNCEO need to consider partnering with local exchanges in Nigeria.
What do you think guys? :thinking:

@Emmanuel You have a following BRO we need more content in Africa.


Precisely we’re working on to do some video on mobile miner and when we reached 50 to 100 subscribers we’ll dp a nice give away to help those who are greenhorn,
So probably within the week you’ll hear from us,and I’m in college,that’s causing me not to be that frequent but will dedicate some time bro thanks


Perfect keep up the awesome work. Make sure to put your Referral code so you get lots of free ETN. Also put the videos on Tubes as you will get free crypto for people watching there and buy ETN with it !! You and I can send the link out to the different groups like we did last time.

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@Emmanuel Hay bro your YouTube got 96 likes on Face book!

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Bro that’s awesome I’m impressed