Check this and make d right decision

i am buying etn 6 months back. i read many articles of different coins know about the basic fundamentals , future prices, where these coins will be used etc etc… but at the end i make a decision electroneum is the best opportunity right now at a very very low price. i suggest all of you u should MINIMUM BUY 50k etn and hold it for 2 years i am sure you will get 10-11 times(min.) return from this investment.

Agreed, here I am with 2 millions coins now.

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I just purchased 20000 ETN at £100. Will purchase more soon at this low price.
The only way is up.

i suggest u to buy 40000 more etn at this price and you will definitely get 4-5 times of your hard earned money

I’ve posted recently that people really need to take advantage of this super low price right now before it’s to late.
Anytime now value is going to rise and eventually it will moon.

Hmmmm everybody etn millionaire