Android cloud mining now available wow amazing!



could someone please explain how or why this is different compared to the old app? Does this mean I can close my phone and it still runs in the cloud?

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Just read info in the app yes 7 days offline and you still are mining on side of ETN servers… only selfie as a bot prevention and much less stress without every time check if app is minning :wink:

Hi, wen I started mining at the beginning, I help people to register through my hotspot and later someone told me to clone which I did but all my clone account was ban from mining but the original one is working very fine. My request now is, can my wife acc which av been ban also mine again through my hotspot? Pls I need ur reply

Sth similar happened to us
My husband took selfies for both account, he did it instead of me
And now only one of our accounts can mine

If you need help I recommend opening a new thread in the how do I section.