Add this forum to the mobile APP + game?

Please add this forum to the app we can mining and talking in the SAME time…
If you add there some GAME (fight the FUD or HODL Rocket) where we can win some aditional coins it would be GREAT. (make some list of best players and daily or weekly give some coins 1st place 1000 coins, 2nd place 500 coins and 3rd place 250 coins - daily or weekly - in this game we can have some ingame purchaces to have the coins for the REWARD)…
What do you think guys?

This would be an awesome advantage if Electroneum admins would add this link to the mobile app, simply for the ease of access when trying to explain to a new user or a potential new user


I put that forward last week , being passed on to the Devs so fingers xd. All in one app chat , mine and wallet …

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I agree, having a single app that we can use to communicate with users, check price, buy and sell etc would be really great. Eventually, the gig economy website could be intergrated as well :smiley:

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keeping people engaged while mining. brilliant idea.

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All in ONE - COMBO solution… :slight_smile: its realy good to use when we have 1 000 000 downloads - to teach them to talk, spend some ETn or play game :wink:

Yup this is a big must.

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