403 forbidden error


I was uploading my bankstatement, and while trying to upload it. I got a error 403 forbidden.

Can i have some help solving this problem.

Could be a size of .pdf to big… I dont remember what a maximum size should be? Or maybe if you was trying to upload the Internet conection was poor?

And that what I found on Internet about it…

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My problem is still there. Can i get some help from ETN.

Why we always have problems with etn. First the KYC and Now even uploading documents.

Please Help

Mate that is not a problem with ETN… I give you a link to show you what thay error means… it is nothing to do with ETN… I belive is more to do with your computer. Maybe try to do the same from another computer?

Mate If used 3 different computers plus two iphones. So your conclusion is not right, if done everything possible and if you read the links you’ve send to me, says that most of the time is the site owners permission not set right. The same artical says that!!

What now?