PLAY WITH THE ETNbot HERE AND WIN SOME ETN (gameplay discussion)

No response, (spam protected bot?)

yeah… something like that along with their wallet address

@ETNbot roll 6d6
buy ETN

:game_die: 3, 3, 6, 5, 4, 3

you get 3 common number

screenshot too with wallet add is i think okay

Can I link to a PM ? (not very private anymore then)

yes you can… we need to finalize it here so we don’t have annoying problems encounter during the real fun

@ETNbot roll 5da
@ETNbot roll 1d10
@ETNbot roll 2d20

:game_die: 7

@ETNbot roll 1d8
@ETNbot roll 1d12
@ETNbot roll 1d10+10

:game_die: 6

So d8 and d10 is also viable it seems
@ETNbot roll 5d8
@ETNbot roll 5d10

:game_die: 5, 8, 8, 5, 2

@ETNbot roll 5d10

:game_die: 6, 4, 2, 5, 5

it’s only up to 6 number… like a dice game

There are more sides to die than 6 :wink:

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Then how do you explain this

yes you are right… you can open a new thread for pairing numbers… the number before ‘d’ is the number of set of dice you want to roll…