ETN Rocket to Mars FOMO Club

One guy, or group of guys pumps price. Gets others to pump price higher, then first group sells at a big profit. Great Plan!!


oh well, ill just go get the box of coffee pods now before the shops close


Exactly this! (20 characyers whatever :wink:)

I have been buying through all these lows. Bought some at 89 SATs on TradeOgre. Makes this pump very satisfying to watch. My etn multiplier is even larger now. :heart_eyes::money_mouth_face:

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Just wait until some real things are announced. It’s going to be beautiful


ETN is dropping because BTC is rocketing up!!! Plus, “so an so” has already made his profits for the day, so he is out enjoying his weekend.

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend :wave::+1: :zap:


Does it also mean they can’t reduce pumps and dumps like people said?

I think that’s probably accurate. My point was really that if enough people want the coin it’s not just going stay at half a penny. It can go up lol

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@Pete personally I think their algorithms would spot it. Didn’t they say they would lesson impact so if they capitalized because volume wasn’t there to continue uptrend, consolidate and make it a little more ta friendly with a uptrend instead of those who caused the pump dumping out? Hard to say. I’m just speculating there’s no way to know really

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This gives me the idea that we should get some glow in the dark merchandise.

This guy is really gunho, like what he is doing.


A little patience and we will have a self sustaining rocket. One that doesn’t start with someone announcing that they are going to affect the price :wink:


That being said, if that person did this sort of thing on the release of the right news. They could trigger the boom.


have a nice Friday guys! :))


I have some of my coins on the not selling on a pump exchange. :+1:t3:

As I don’t have an M1 I thought I would embellish my phone cover with an @Annastasia sticker to fake it!


@MSystem you mention smart contracts in your post. As far as I know the ETN blockchain can’t do smart contracts. Is this something they are working on in Electroneum v8 or a side chain of another block chain (maybe BNB) to manage smart contracts and recorded work for Gig Guru? or was this merely speculation/suggestion?

blink twice if you can’t answer this question because you know something :slight_smile:

Edit: just found another project using CryptoNote with smart contracts so I guess it’s possible. They say they are the first
“Dero will be the first CryptoNote blockchain to have smart contracts on its native chain without any extra layers or secondary blockchains.”



Notice that the supcase is obviously ETN blue, same as the guitar further up. All by complete chance…or is it fate?


Shall we fomo.?
Im tired of waiting on my ltc. Maybe bring on the guns?