ETN Friends "HappyHour"

I’ll match your 5000 ETN. Ok?

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Address please Jonne.

Wait see if we reach. I dont want to give the Girl a yes before its done. :sunglasses::heartpulse::heartpulse:

As soon as Cyrptopia opens, I am happy to donate @JonneHex :heart:


Ok. I guarantee that 5000. Whenever you want it…unless it’s gone to the moon…then you can have less ETN. :crazy_face:


@Magic. I can’t remember how to do the finger point thing!

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Nice, 10K then, 1/5 :metal:


Mark me down for 5k as well :wink:


You would have to check with The Mods at least for use of branding I would imagine @JonneHex as it’s us doing it not them… Hopefully they won’t disapprove.


Yes. Of course. Maybe @MSystem could drop a word of it…?
We literally ‘by’ the player, and Etn is named on the speaker as player sponsor each match, and Etn logo in the club paper together with player presentation.
The girlteam is depended of sponsors and volunteer to have it run. Alot of kiosk and waffle sales

You get paid to Waffle Jonne! :joy::joy::joy:


WaffleJon, :joy:
Not untrue


Just ‘accidentally’ bought some LTC to convert as much as I said no more buying, so those ETN are ready as soon as we get enough sponsors mate.

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Lets see as the guyz see it. :blush:
We reach alot more people on street aware, here, on this, than twitter😊

Can you please explain a little more for me. So the cost is for the sponsorship of the player. Than they can wear a sponsorship logo on Jersey and sponsors name is announced every game? Just making sure I’m understanding correctly

Not jersey. In paper and matchdayprogram. And players and sponsors are named on the matches. Over speakers. They stand on line and introduced every match.
Its around 380$. Whole season.
You see it on the pics further up.
Rsknor and Bfa can read it.
Ive been sponsor for her before, shes good, played on national talent gathers. But im little short this year.

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That would definitely get the name out there. Keep me updated with where you’re at if cryptopia opens definitely will but keep me updated on where you’re at and what’s needed! When would this need to be done by?

We are at 15k of 50k etn. Its now in march. A little close up, asap really. She had one that couldnt,
Yeah, Electroneum on speakers and in magazine, alot eyes that, hmm what is this? :blush:
Alot cooler than Jensen Machines and Roys Carwash


Alright keep me updated my extra is on cryptopia but I will contribute something either way if it’s close.

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Just name a probable gift, i will gather later. Its more if i can give her an yes or no. :blush: