ETN Fomo Moonwalk Club

Yeah not many people knew. Will be interesting to see how it plays out as people talk. Hard to hold that back.

These sort of things happen when teams are under the pump, working long hours, on major deliverables.


In venezuela now a handful of potatos is like three weeks wages.


Wow what an unexpected event. My adrenelin is still pumping! :slight_smile: I know I am not the only one!


the problem is that is not what etn say.
it is not being advertised as ‘think of it as, if’
the app is being sold as ‘this is what you get’

Well. If that was the same as 500$ here as an example, it would spread as fire in a gasolinepond

No, 100 etn is not 3 dollars,…yet :))

The cloud will sink down with prize raise. Imagine the race to have etn as it decrease as price raise. To the point miner is only 3etn month, at 1$ :wink:.
(The first lucky poors that mined at 100) :sunglasses:
I can almost hear the happy words about Etn.
Even a spoiled teeny here wont regret those losy minedcoins

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Yes thats what I expect to happen (give or take)

So basically with all these news, chris joining GSMAI etc etc…

I just want to go back to my prediction a while back ( Connecting dots, feeling shaky and big fomo )

Slowly but steadily I expect us to really set foot into the market, it’s inevitable by now :wink:

“The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide, uniting more than 750 operators with over 350 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset and device makers, software companies, equipment providers and internet companies, as well as organisations in adjacent industry sectors”


We dont know the picture. Just dots. :upside_down_face:

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Appears CrytoRich wasn’t aware of the video release/takedown.

Yep, we were given a little taste of what’s to come hehehe :face_with_monocle::exploding_head::grin:

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Its starting folks! Etn is the first use case in real use with a usecase!


Hold on tight my fellow comrades, the crypto era for PEOPLE has officially gone into startup. Either one is in, or one is OUT!


can someone explain the Kentucky fried chicken meme in crypo? digi referenced it.

@CRYPTO-CAVEMAN maybe you know?

Save the world. Use etn😎.
Even save a whale


Got the hint. Massive hussshhh

opps my reply just got deleted in seconds… anyone catch it?

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Yes. Shut up now.
We clearly snuffed the fixhole😄

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i don’t get it, was only a screen grab, should i try again? :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:
btw it was a screen shot of the announcements playlist tab.