Withdrawing from Kucoin

Im having trouble withdrawing my ETN from Kucoin to my ETN wallet here
It says " Invalid withdrawal address format." when i enter my wallet address

Ive never used Kucoin before so im wondering if im doing something wrong ??

Make sure you dont have any spaces infront of after the wallet address.

Are you transfering from Kucoin to you App wallet or MetaMask?

Yeh im trying to transfer from Kucoin to the desktop wallet
It says “Invalid withdrawal address format.” and underneath is asking for a network ( etnevm )

This is from the withdraw crypto page

I dont have much experience with kucoin. But maybe your trying to withdraw to a legacy address, and maybe you can only withdraw to a new blockchain address?

When you say “Desktop Wallet” what do you mean? You mean MetaMask in Chrome browser?

There used to be a desktop wallet that you could use with the old legacy chain. I remember there were 3 options, etn app, cli, or desktop wallet

Yes, could be that he is trying that. It’s the old chain so no luck there. He needs to start using MetaMask.

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