Wallet Update Issue and No Support

I have tried contacting support numerous times, but can’t get through the sign-in process…goes to a blank page with following error…electroneum.zendesk.com refused to connect

The sender has confirmed the transaction hash details and everything is correct.

I am using the desktop application and do not know how to determine if my wallet is synced…any information on this and/or how to contact Electroneum Support is greatly appreciated.

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Thanks for the reply. I was able to connect using a different browser. I was able to enter a service ticket and waiting on answer.

I was told by the exchange/swap vendor asked me to “Sync” my wallet and confirm I’m using the latest version, but I’m not sure how to do that since it’s a web interface. Any info on that would be greatly appreciated.

I’m using the wallet accessed through the ETN website. I’m a little new to all this so not sure which one that is called.

Thank you very much! It still has not shown up and the exchange sent me the hash detail (doesn’t mean much to me :slight_smile:), says it confirms delivery. I sent that the Support so hopefully they can help me out.

У меня тоже проблемы,что и у вас.После обновления зайти могу в кошелёк но проблема в том,что продлить контракт не могу вообще нет кнопки.И как продлить чтобы получать бонусы.Я теперь не знаю Всё, что заработал пошло прахом.Зачем эти обновления.Чтобы кинуть людей,нет возможности толкового входа?