User numbers update

And the numbers Keep on going up…!!!


Love to watch it rise!


That’s what she said!
Ah, too easy!


Please can I get to know how you are looking onto this, I wish to be following the growth as well… Let me here from you

@yaolad you can just go to the Electroneum website and scroll down you can look there everyday to see it rise up :wink:

Nice work @Mr.CryptoCZ

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It’s amazing to watch how rapidly the numbers are climbing. This is without the Electroneum team even mass marketing yet, just imagine when they do! Once that begins just watch, those numbers will be a lot bigger. Even without the team marketing the growth has been absolutely phenomenal thanks to viral growth from our wonderful community.

As soon as the coin will be ready, (aka smoother blockchain transactions, instant payment system, new wallet, new and easier exchanges) we should start some guerrilla marketing

A great example would be (easy to remove) stickers with QR codes for students to place around campus. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Here you have just use it :